Crab Cakes with Wasabi Mayo & Rice Salad

Seafood is so good for you, especially when you’re trying to lose baby weight, and these crab cakes are really delicious. They will appeal to the whole family, as crab is such a light-tasting meat. This Recipe is an EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEAK from the September...

Yoga Moves To Tone Your Butt And Thighs

When we think of yoga, we often think about deep breathing, stretching and that lovely part at the end where you close your eyes and and meditate (ahh blissful). We often don’t consider it to be a form of exercise that promotes weight loss and/or toning. Seems...

Banana & Frozen Yoghurt Sundae

Enjoy a Healthy Mummy style “Fro-Yo”! It’s absolutely delicious and one the whole family will enjoy. You could swap the Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix for some cacao/cocoa powder and a little maple syrup to make the chocolate sauce if you like. This...