Breastfeeding Tips, Protein Cookies, Recipes
There are three key ingredients with a long-standing reputation for boosting milk supply in breastfeeding mums: oats, flaxseed and brewers yeast. These ingredients are combined in these delicious bars, which are easy to make and taste great. Add an extra glass of...
Breastfeeding Tips, Protein Cookies, Recipes, Snacking Suggestions
If you are looking for a decadent but healthy snack cookie and are a lover of all things chocolate and peanut butter – then these cookies are perfect for you and can still be enjoyed as part of your healthy eating plan. Need to top up your Healthy Mummy Smoothie...
100's of Weight Loss Results, Nutrition, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Protein Cookies, Recipes
We LOVE fudge and we love it even more when our healthy mummy recipe team come up with a healthy recipe for it! Prepare in advance for a sweet snack on the run to help you to lose weight fast And this one is from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge and is super easy and...
Motivating Mum, Protein Cookies, Recipes, Reduce Sugar
Cat Christ has been using our plans and products which has helped her to lose 30kg and she has been motivating us along the way. Today she is sharing her tips on how she has reduced her kids sugar intake. And you can see Cat’s fantastic progress here...