Nutrition & Weight Loss, Promotions & Offers, Weight Loss Challenges, Weight Loss Help
We are excited to announce that the 50% discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge is NOW ON. This means you will only pay just over $1 a day for the most comprehensive food & exercise plan which is made exclusively for mums And we are even more excited that the...
100's of Weight Loss Results, 28 Day Challenge Reviews, Exercise & Weight Loss Challenge, Motivating Mum, Real Mum Stories, Weight Loss Challenges
Hi, my name is Alicia and I one of your motivating mums in the Healthy Mummy Losing Big Numbers Support Group for August. Since June 2015, I have lost 38kg and I am still on a mission to lose another 12 to 13kg! I will do this! We are almost half way through the...
100's of Weight Loss Results, Motivating Mum, Real Mum Stories, Weight Loss Challenges, Weight Loss Help
Joining The Healthy Mummy in April was the biggest life choice I have made, and well worth it too. No it was not easy, no it didn’t happen overnight, YES! I had food cravings! YES I really really am devastatingly bad at the 3 day cleanse; but with hard work,...
100's of Weight Loss Results, 28 Day Challenge Reviews, Exercise & Weight Loss Challenge, Motivating Mum, Motivation, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Real Mum Stories, Weight Loss Challenges
Hi my name is Ally and I am excited to be one of your Motivating Mums this August. I have two kids aged 10 and 3 and found The Healthy Mummy when my youngest was only 5 months old after gaining 25kg during pregnancy. I was sick of feeling so uncomfortable in my own...
100's of Weight Loss Results, Motivating Mum, Motivation, Weight Loss Challenges
Hello beautiful mummies, WOW! Week 1 of the JULY challenge under our belts already – my time as Motivating Mum is certainly flying and I hope I am helping you stay motivated in some way. I have been super good this first week keeping to my exercise and eating plan. I...
Having A Tough Time With Weight Loss, Motivation, Nutrition & Weight Loss, Weight Loss Challenges
If you’re like many of us, you start of your journey to lose weight full of motivation and excitement. You’ve joined our singed up to the Healthy Mummy 28 day weight loss challenge, bought all the fresh food, tossed out the junk, strapped on your trainers and are full...