Hello beautiful mummies,
WOW! Week 1 of the JULY challenge under our belts already – my time as Motivating Mum is certainly flying and I hope I am helping you stay motivated in some way.
I have been super good this first week keeping to my exercise and eating plan. I have personally loved the Facebook messages thanking me for inspiring them to start their journey and that means the absolute world to me. It has given me another push to keep going – THANK YOU x
Since joining The Healthy Mummy I’ve lost nearly 30kgs and over 110cms off my body, which still amazes me to this day. I have gained so much self-love, respect and confidence. I am back to the fun happy girl I use to be.
My main drive for this month is to break a 2+ month long plateau, but in saying that I have learnt and seen that the scales don’t record measurements lost or visual changes to my body, which I can most definitely see when looking in the mirror and the way clothes are fitting.
When I first started out on my LONG journey I set out to lose 30kg (I have already reassessed to lose another 9kgs). I am so close and I think I’m mentally struggling as I never actually believed I would lose 5kgs let alone 30, so I think this could be playing a part in my plateau too. I have not weighed since 30th May and I feel a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulder as the “stress” has been taken out of it… Why do we let the scales put so much pressure on us ladies..??
I am loving that I can customize the meal plan to suit my tastes and still know I’m fuelling my body with healthy delicious meals. You have probably seen on some of my posts that I’m going back through my list of favourites and we (my family and I) are loving them! I am back calorie counting which is helping too as there were a few too many sneaky weetbix balls here and there during the day … if you haven’t tried them PLEASE make them – YUM and best thing it’s a FREE recipe on the website so no one will miss out!
I have also started exploring more with my breakfast smoothies. I had the same smoothie for nearly 8 months (coffee smoothie) before I gave up coffee completely in January 2016, this is a HUGE deal for me breaking away from the norm as I am a super fussy eater! I am loving the radical raspberry, blueberry and beetroot, green machine and the bloated belly smoothie.
My winter goal was to be able to run 5kms non-stop, so I am working on that also plus trying to focus on building up my upper strength. As I said in my intro blog I recently purchased a boxing bag and I am putting it to good use, which will come in handy as School holidays are starting Friday for us (I’m in SA) and I normally start out super keen and motivated and it certainly dwindles as we see the start of the second week. This time I’ve got you lot behind me keeping me motivated as I keep you motivated, keeping me on the straight and narrow – fingers crossed.
Hope you are all having huge success and are loving the Healthy Mummy food as much as I do.
Kim xx