lose_baby_weightWhen it comes to losing weight, we recommend a combination of eating healthy food and exercising.
But when it comes to exercise, there are some women that love it – and others that loathe it.
So how do you find what works for you? By trying different things and seeing what you like of course.
Today we asked some of our Motivating Mums to fill us in on their workout routines. You will see there are all sorts of different ideas, as well as combinations of ideas, that can work.
While you might have thought that many of the mums would be hitting the gym on a regular basis, in fact many of them are finding ways to exercise that don’t involve a monthly fee.
Walking is very popular with our mums. Nicole Daniels has lost an incredible 25kg on our plans. Nicole says ‘I don’t see it as a diet – more like a healthy life style. I think that the right food is the main thing but I exercise 5 days a week and walking everyday, I think that is the best exercise.’
lose_baby_weightMany of the mums also love our new Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD.
Kat Brown is a mum of 4 who has already lost 16kg with Lose Baby Weight. Kat says that ‘to start with I was doing the exercises from the 28 Day Plan and 30 minutes of walking a day.
But now I am doing the new Healthy Mummy DVD and I do it broken up through out the day.’
You can preview the DVD here.
For Eleanor Hannah it’s all about mixing it up. Eleanor has lost over 26kg by following these simple exercises. ‘I walk every day and do the exercises in the 28 Day Plan.
I was going to the gym 3 times a week up until 4 months ago.
But now I have added weights to the 28 Day Plan exercises and I also have a spin bike at home.’
Liz Flett has lost 11kg with Lose Baby Weight, and has managed to maintain that loss months later. Liz goes to the gym ‘1-2 times a week for about an hour and a half at a time, and I ALWAYS follow the exercise plan in the 28 Day Plan!
It’s so fun and easy to do! Also, I love taking the kids to the park so when I go I do a playground workout!’
Janet Cook did the exercises off the 28 day plan and walked almost every day. Janet lost 20kg with Lose Baby Weight. ‘When I was Motivating Mum for the month I challenged myself to start jogging and now jog up to 6kms a couple of times a week.
I never though I could jog before but it gets easier each time and for me it helps the weight drop off.
We asked Janet how she got her arms looking so toned. Janet says ‘There are arm exercises on the 28 day plan which I did; but I found that I eventually lost weight off my arms as part of the whole body weight loss.
I also carried my bub (and still carry my one year old!) around while doing chores and that has given me super mummy muscles in my arms!’
Delight Smallridge likes to keep it simple. ’I love walking! So I walk with my girls everyday and I also followed the exercise on the 28 Day Plan.’ Delight lost 22kg in 12 months with Lose Baby Weight, which goes to show that something as simple as walking can have amazing results.
lose_baby_weightIt seems that for a lot of mums, incidental exercise is key – and then going up from there. Charmaine Lower lost 25kg – and has managed to maintain that loss. For Charmaine, ‘exercise is mostly walking with my kids in the pram, slowly doing intervals of slow jogging and now I can run!
I slowly added things like squats and leg lifts and push ups to slowly build lean muscle.’
What about finding time to exercise when you have kids? Linda Hallas manages to fit in her exercise when some of the kids are at school or while they are playing in the playground.
‘Also sometimes I exercise in my lounge when the kids are watching Play School.
Sometime we just dance! Other times I would walk in the evening when my husband was home and do the other exercises through the day.’
Linda’s story is truly inspirational and well worth a read. She has lost over 40kg with Lose Baby Weight.
If you ever find yourself stuck in a bit of a rut of plateau, take some advice from Amy Bapty. Amy lost 35kg with Lose Baby Weight.
‘I have found the resources on the Lose Baby Weight website invaluable on refocusing and moving past plateaus.
During these times I like to try and switch up my exercise rut.
I tend to do the same activities in the same ways and find that switching it up is what’s needed to push through.’ 
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
Click HERE to see our shop