Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
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This month we meet Motivating Mum Amy Babty who has lost 35.5kg our Lose Baby Weight plans.
October has been a great month so far. It has been fairly hectic between attending weddings, birthdays and going on holidays but thankfully it is due to calm down now! I am feeling really confident and proud of myself and my achievements.
I have also found my swing in planning and preparation. I have, for too long, used special dietary requirements as a cop out. “I can’t do that as I don’t eat…”. This month I went “Too bad sister, you’re doing this thing!” and it’s been great!
Every morning is healthy mummy smoothie time in my house! If I have been a little slack on my planning I get by with frozen fruit and mix up what I add to it between oats, nut meal and flaxseed meal. But my goal this month is to try a new smoothie at least twice a week. So far so good and I am stunned at how many I actually just love! Expanding my palette has been a great experience!
Every Sunday is grocery shopping day so I scour my 28 Day Diet and Exercise Plan and Healthy Spring and Summer Cookbook every Saturday night/Sunday morning and plan out five to seven dinners based around meals in these books – if you have no special needs I strongly recommend that you follow the meal plan in the 28 Day Plan as all the extra work is cut out as they have done all the planning for you with fantastic variety and delicious meals.
I then look for salad ideas to keep my lunches varied based on these books too, lastly I look for a couple of new smoothies to try. Then I build my list around these and our favourite meals and my favourite smoothies. Then I pack my toddler in the car and go shopping (I hear “Mummy, I come too?” when I am writing my list – too cute!) and he gets to choose the fresh fruit (apart from for my two new planned smoothies) we have in the house for the week.
I try to base my shopping list around seasonal fruit and veges as much as possible to keep the cost down.
Leading up to weekends or public holidays, I like to plan out my meals for that time partly as a reminder and partly to make sure I am using up the last of my fresh food and not wasting any.
Challenges to planning that I encounter: sickness/exhaustion and “special events” (be that holidays, travel, birthdays/weddings, etc).
I find with any of the challenges mentioned above, I need to increase my focus on maximum nutrition for minimal effort.
Sickness/exhaustion: Cut back to basics. What works for me usually is:
- Lots of salad veggies
- Brown rice
- Tinned beans and/or pre-made vegetarian savouries
Holidays: Keep it simple, a few things that work for me:
- Scour the resources available on the Lose Baby Weight Site
- Even though you are on holiday, you are still working towards a goal
- Where possible, book accommodation with a kitchen
- On travel/driving days, make a double smoothie – have one for breakfast and one for on the road.
- Have a meal plan ready before you head off, take your 28 Day Pan with you! Base a shopping list off this – it does not have to be set in stone but is to guide you and form the basis of your “menu”
- Go grocery shopping as soon as possible after you arrive, before you hit wind down mode
- Where possible and affordable, buy pre-cut items to save preparation time (e.g. celery, salad leaves, mushrooms), but try to avoid creamy sauces and dressings.
- If you can, take your blender with you so that you can have a smoothie for breakfast each day
- Make snacks to take with in sealed containers/snap lock bags
- Each evening before you go to bed, wash fruit and veges for the next day’s meals and snacks and do as much prep work as you can in anticipation of being busy and tired
- Keep active while you are on holidays, look for spots to go walking, or swimming that are close by and easily accessible
- Keep well hydrated with water, lemon water and herbal teas.
- Be kind to yourself!
My update:
- 1 October:
- Weight: 74kg
- Bust: 93cm (breastfeeding)
- Waist: 78cm
- Hips: 92cm
- Thigh: 53cm
12 October:
- Weight: 72.2kg
- Bust: 93cm (breastfeeding)
- Waist: 77cm
- Hips: 90cm
- Thigh: 51cm
Total weight loss on Lose Baby Weight 35.5kg
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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