Whatever happened to the good old days when the only option you had in prams was the colour?
There are so many products on offer out there and that’s a good thing as they have all been designed with function, comfort and safety in mind. Some are better than others of course! But rather than make this a review of all prams, we just want to talk about what works better if you want to get outside and get active with your bub in a pram or a stroller.
Nicole Kidman & Sunday Rose. Copyright: Famepictures
We’ve noticed a lot of celebrities are choosing 4 wheeled prams recently. We aren’t sure if it’s a trend, if they are getting freebies, or if they know something we don’t but Toni Collette, Naomi Watts and Claudia Schiffer have all been seen with the Bugaboo Chameleon.
But of course, superstars have the budget for a different kind of pram for each kind of latte-drinking occasion. So unless you do too, maybe just decide what feels best for you in the most cost-conscious and functional way possible… that helps you with your pregnancy weight loss.
Here’s an overview.
But when it comes to a dual purpose buggy that can help you walk/jog AND get around town, it seems the 3 wheeler buggies and all-terrain pushchairs (ATP’s) are the best bub-carrying vehicle known to (wo)mankind. They have good suspension and pneumatic tyres for a smoother ride for bub. A padded handle for your comfort, a strong chassis and a strong brake that will halt the buggy on a slope. Just be careful if you mount a kerb that the front wheel doesn’t swing sideways and send you off track!
What to do once you have an exercise-friendly pram…
Join a pram-walking group
Groups of new mums are getting together for exercise– they can talk and walk at the same time. Some groups have experienced personal trainers accompanying them (like Bay City Strollers in Melbourne) and others are just run by mums for mums (like Walking Mums Fit-Prams in Melbourne and Townsville).
For Exercise Groups Melbourne the link to Bay City Strollers can be found here. With locations in Hampton, Clifton Hill, Elwood, Hawthorn, South Yarra, Brighton, Box Hill, Parkdale, Carlton, Williamstown and Geelong, hopefully there’s a stroller group near you.
The link to Walking Mums Fit-Prams can be found here and they have an exercise group in Brighton as well as Townsville.
You can have a look for other areas with the links below.
- Exercise Groups in NSW
- Exercise Groups in QLD
- Exercise Groups in VIC
- Exercise Groups in WA
- Exercise Groups in SA
- Exercise Groups in TAS
And remember if you are trying to lose baby weight, make sure your diet is on track as well as your exercise and if you don’t know where to start take a look at our 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan here