Here at Lose Baby Weight we are so proud of our Healthy Mummy Smoothies, and we love how much you like them too.
We have three delicious flavours, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry; and literally thousands of smoothie recipes for you to choose from.
Today we have loads of tips for how to make the most of your smoothies, whether it’s saving time, saving money, or adding extra nutrition.   13 smoothies tips

1. Pre-chop your fruit for the week

You don’t want to be chopping up fruit each morning, so at the beginning of the week, set aside some time for chopping.
Use plastic containers to store chunks of rockmelon, watermelon, kiwi fruit, pineapple – whatever takes your fancy.
Some fruit (such as apples) needs to be chopped just prior to using it so that it doesn’t turn brown.  

2. Freeze the fruit that can be frozen

Not only does this make your fruit last well beyond it’s use by date, some fruits (like bananas) actually add value to your smoothie when frozen.
Frozen banana, when blended, produced a lovely creamy texture (a bit like ice cream – see this recipe). So adding half a frozen banana to your smoothie means you get an extra creamy texture that feels totally indulgent but is completely guilt free.
The best way to freeze your fruit is to chop it into chunks and place it onto a plastic chopping board. Pop it in the freezer for a few hours (or overnight) until frozen.
Remove the board and use a knife to pull the fruit off the board and place into zip lock bags or freezer-friendly plastic containers.
This way the fruit stays separate and can be easily pulled out piece by piece (rather than having one giant clump of fruit frozen into an unhelpful ball).

3.  What fruits freeze well for smoothies?

We love mango, blueberries, raspberries, bananas, peaches, nectarines, pineapple, watermelon.  13 tips for making your smoothies taste awesome

4.  You can also freeze ginger and spinach

If you like the taste of ginger in your smoothie (like this one), you can also freeze this in peeled chunks to be tossed in the blender when you need it.
Freeze washed spinach in zip lock bags and it will keep well for months and you can use it to make green smoothies like this one.

5.  Buy fruit on sale and freeze it

When you see your favourite fruit on sale, stock up and freeze them for later. This also means you can enjoy seasonal fruit at other times of the year.

6.  Make sure you always have ice and berries in the freezer

Even if you have no fresh fruit or veg, at least if you have some berries you will always be able to make a healthy smoothie like this one. Frozen berries are generally much cheaper than fresh, and are still very good for you.  13 tips for making your smoothies taste awesome

7.  Keep some tinned fruits on hand

Just in case your freezer is bare, it’s great to have a tin of peaches or pears in the cupboard. Before use, give them a wash to remove the syrup.

8.  Prepare your dry mix-ins

If you love adding in some extras such as oats, LSA, coconut, almonds, or chia seeds then don’t waste time every day adding them in separately.
Take a big jar and prepare a big batch of your favourite mix-ins. Then keep a spoon in the jar and ladle it into the blender in one big scoop each morning.

10.  Keep an eye on the fruit bowl

When you see fruit on the turn, pop it in the freezer for using in your smoothies.

11.  If you love adding yoghurt to your smoothie….

Consider freezing it in ice cube trays, and then storing in zip lock bags. You can then just pop a couple of cubes in your blender.

12.  Make a smoothie station

If you have room, it’s a great idea to keep your blender out on the kitchen counter so that you have easy access to it each morning.

13.  Experiment!

Try recipes you might not have considered before. Avocado and Beetroot Smoothie might sound strange if you’ve never tried it, but the creaminess of the avocado gives the smoothie a lovely texture, and the beetroot adds sweetness.
You may not have tasted coconut water, but it is a fresh addition to smoothies such as this one.
Love the Healthy Mummy team xxxx

Every month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!Next months theme is the SLOW COOKING! – Perfect for the chilly winter weather and still just as healthy.
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try HERE.
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Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.

Here are some INCREDIBLE results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge.

Maddison Milsom lost 25kgs* with the 28 Day Challenges.  
“About a month and a half ago (22nd March) I posted my progress pictures in my wedding dress, here is my progress since then. I can’t even believe the change. My one year wedding anniversary is in 40 days! Thank you Lose Baby Weight.” ❤️ 
You won’t regret it!
Join the challenge herelets-do-it