smoothiesIf you’ve been on Facebook long enough, or read any of the millions of health and wellbeing websites and blogs scattered about the internet, there’s a good chance you would have stumbled across the ‘green smoothie.’
While we all know how fabulous smoothies are for health and weight loss (hello Healthy Mummy smoothies), it seems that the wider world is having a bit of a smoothie resurgence of late and falling back in love with their blenders.
And why not? Smoothies are a fantastic way to start your day (and/or ensure you have a nutritious, filling lunch), are packed full of fresh ingredients and provide a great balance of protein, carbs and other essential fats, vitamins and minerals.
Blending all that goodness together means you end up getting a supercharged dose of your chosen ingredients all in the one go. Think of it like your liquid vitamin pill in a glass.
What has changed however is the colour of the smoothies that we see being uploaded onto Instagram everyday. While traditional favourites will always do the rounds, gorgeously green concoctions are the big news.
This green colour comes from the addition of veggies like spinach, lettuce and kale, along with other glorious greens like cucumber, avocado and mint.
Not only do these additions change the colour of your smoothie, they also add a whole load of amazing nutrients to your glass. The other bonus? You’re able to really up your veggie intake very quickly and simply by greenifying your smoothie.
We can sometimes find it tricky to get enough greenery into our meals. Platefuls of salad might be healthy but they aren’t always easy to eat (especially when there are husbands and kids involved). A handful of your chosen veggie into the blender with your usual healthy mummy smoothie mix and you’ve taken care of one of your five a day, without even trying.
When you’re first starting out, a small amount of your chosen green will be barely noticeable in your smoothie, with veggies like spinach having a mild, sweet taste anyway. As you continue to boost your drink with extras, you can up the portion size or even add more than one green food.
Check out this Super Green Smoothie recipe or try one of the suggestions below for a nutrient packed kick to your healthy diet.

Green Smoothie 1
  • 2 tbs vanilla Healthy Mummy powder
  • 1 handful of baby spinach leaves
  • Half a banana
  • 200ml of low fat milk
  • Handful of ice cubes
Green Smoothie 2
  • 2 tbs vanilla Healthy Mummy powder
  • 1 handful baby spinach leaves
  • 3 tbs avocado
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 200ml coconut water
Green Smoothie 3
  • 2 tbs chocolate Healthy Mummy powder 
  • 1/2 ripe avocado
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries
  • 200 ml low fat milk
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