Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way –
Today we have Robyn’s final post as one of our Motivating Mums. Through lots of hard work, Robyn has lost an incredible 17kg and 49cm from her measurements.
As you can see from the photos below, she looks fantastic. So fit and healthy, and such a great role model for her little girl Charlotte.
Robyn, you are a real inspiration to women everywhere of what is possible when you put your mind to it. Well done!
Now let’s hear from Robyn…
‘This is my final post as a Motivating Mum!
It has been a great experience, adding even more accountability to me to eat well and exercise often.
I have met all of my weight loss goals
As such, I have also come to the end of my weight loss journey, and have moved onto maintenance and focussing on being healthy and setting a positive example for my daughter in relation to body image, eating and exercise.
So, for my very last post, I thought I would share a bit about what I have learnt over my weight loss journey, and why I chose Lose Baby Weight to help me through.
Why Lose Baby Weight?
I found Lose Baby Weight by accident on Facebook as a friend of mine posted a link to lactation cookies.
I started to follow them on Facebook, and noticed a few things about Rhian (the founder), Lose Baby Weight and the products that appealed to me:
- Rhian promoted a healthy approach to losing weight – do it at your own pace, when you are ready, and lose weight gradually by eating healthily, instead of crash dieting.
- There was a lot of support for people on the plans and people simply interested – if you have a look at the “recent posts by others” on the LBW facebook page you will see that Rhian responds to ALL queries and posts on the page (and what patience! I don’t think I could be as patient to answer “Is this plan safe for breastfeeding” hundreds of times each week ;p ). There are also so many yummy recipes and information articles posted for free on the website, to help out mothers trying to lose weight.
- The Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix was safe for breastfeeding, provided nutritional support that other protein powders don’t, and aren’t the typical meal replacement shake – you have it with fruit so it is filling and feels like a meal!
- The 28 Day Plan had lots of options to mix and match and provided for things like using leftovers for lunch the next day etc – so often I have seen meal plans that have something different for every single snack and meal which would end up costing a fortune at the supermarket!
- The 28 Day Plan isn’t about cutting out food groups or denying yourself food you love. It is a change to eating healthily and the recipes are delicious. If you need a sweet treat, the plan also allows for snacks and baking recipes from the website to be substituted in to make sure you don’t feel deprived and stick to it!
So, I decided to take the plunge and ordered a basics pack and the 28 Day Plan.
I followed the 28 Day Plan and The Healthy Mummy Smoothies and then started to mix and match meals and snacks from the plans and the website.
Each week I would sit down and choose a new meal to make from the website, loving knowing that it would be healthy and weight loss friendly!
16.8kg down and I still do that each week.
What have I learnt?
If I was able to go back and give myself some advice just after I had Charlotte, this is what I would say:
- You will get there! You will. I know it is hard to believe when you are not able to do any high impact exercise at the moment, and you find it hard to leave the house in between Charlotte’s feeds (let alone cook), but you will get there! As long as you want it, you will be fitter than ever and you will lose all of the weight.
- Relax. I know you are horrified at what the scales say, but it is okay. Relax and enjoy your beautiful snuggly newborn baby as she will grow far too quickly!
- Order the Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix and get started on the 28 Day Plan straight away. It is easy to follow and you can do it while looking after that high needs newborn. Don’t focus on losing weight at this early stage, but by doing this you will be looking after your nutrition needs and making sure you have the best start to breastfeeding and the energy to be a new mum. Weight loss might be an awesome side effect. (This would have been right for me, but not for everyone, do it when you are ready to).
- Eating healthy doesn’t need to mean depriving yourself. The Lose Baby Weight plans have plenty of the desserts and sweet treats you love, but revamped in a healthy way! Not depriving yourself of the things you love will make this way of eating sustainable in the long term.
Other tips:
- Make yourself accountable to someone – a friend, partner, personal trainer etc (or become a Motivating Mum and be accountable to all of the Lose Baby Weight fans!).
- Sign up to the Lose Baby Weight’s members area so you can keep track of your progress. Seeing that weight get lower and the centimetres disappear will motivate you each week!
- Get your whole household involved, your partner, or housemate being on board will be one of the biggest factors in your success. My husband was 100% on board with eating healthily and following the 28 Day Plan. He even goes onto the website himself to find out new recipes to try now! The last thing you need is your partner sabotaging your weight loss by bringing unhealthy food into the house. Temptation is hard to overcome if the food is right in front of you!
- Trick your cravings for sugar and fat by switching with healthier options. For example high fat meals to low fat meals: or making some healthy desserts.
Sometimes eating a diet high in protein can be expensive, but there are ways to keep the cost down:
- Plan a few vegetarian meals. The 28 Day Plan both have some vegetarian recipes which are still high in protein and weight loss friendly. We try to make at least 2 vegetarian meals a week.
- Make freezable meals. You can make a serve of meat go further if you make curries, stir fry, mince based meals. We only plan 3-4 meals a week and have leftovers the other days. You can also pad out many meals with beans and legumes, such as chickpeas or lentils, which reduces the cost of the meals. In fact, making freezable vegetarian meals is one of the cheapest ways to eat healthy, for example this week I made a double batch of the broccoli fennel and leek soup from the 28 day plan which made about 4 meals for the 3 of us.
- Freeze fruit for your smoothies so it doesn’t go off before you can use it!
Good luck to everyone trying to lose your pregnancy weight! You can do it!
My final weigh in and “After” photos:
Current | Loss last week | Loss all up | |
Weight | 77.1 | .2kg | 17kg |
BMI | 24.1 | ||
Bust | 89cm | 1cm | 14cm |
Waist | 72.5cm | 1cm | 12.5cm |
Hips | 94.5cm | No change | 11.5cm |
Thighs | 52cm | .5cm | 11cm |
Robyn’s Final Week In Pictures
This dress was one I bought when I was at my slimmest pre-pregnancy weight in 2010.
I haven’t fit into it for a LONG time!
Hubby and I are going to an awards night next weekend and I am going to wear it there.
These are my work pants.
I bought them in December last year and they fit me perfectly.
They are now 2 sizes too big!
I will be replacing them with my Myer voucher this week!
On Monday I had a watermelon and banana smoothie for lunch.
Charlotte wanted some too!
Lose Baby Weight loves it when you send in your own Healthy Mummy Smoothie recipes.
So this week I sent in this delicious green smoothie recipe using spinach, mint, banana, milk and of course vanilla Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix.
On Monday I jogged down to the dog park with our dogs and Charlotte.
I let them have a run while I did:
- 50 step ups
- 10 tricep dips
- 20 squats
- Another 10 tricep dips
- 10 bench jumps
- 10 squat presses using Charlotte as the weight, and then
- 20 weighted lunges (holding Charlotte)
Do you think you might have what it takes to motivate other mums?
If you would like to become our Motivating Mum for one month click here to find out more .
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Click HERE to see our shop