Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
Motivating Mum Chloe is a busy mum to three little boys and has already lost over 18kg with Lose Baby Weight – you can read her previous posts here and here.
‘So this week has been a great improvement for me with my eating.
The food diary I started is working a charm and it is helping me to stay aware of what I am eating and making sure I do not skip any meals, which can happen very easily with the busy life as a mum of three.


I have tried so many different Lose Baby Weight recipes this last week like the Vietnamese Meatballs, Paprika Chicken, Steak & Salad just to name a few.

healthy_eatingMy partner and kids LOVED the Paprika Chicken. My little one couldn’t get enough of it. I ended up freezing the leftovers for him to have over the next week.
My personal favourite was the Vietnamese Meatballs it was just so simple and so yummy.
I look forward to my next week’s worth of meals and plan on trying a few soups from the Winter Warmer Recipe Book!!
The ‘Strawberry Smoothie’ I tried this week was a bit concerning when I was making it.
I have always had this thing about drinking anything ‘green’ ie the spinach.
But it was soooooo yummy and definitely one on the weekly list from now on. I realised that trying new things such as smoothies, is not as hard as I suspected.
It also showed me how yummy different flavours combined together can be.
My 1yr old even keeps hi-jacking my smoothies and can’t get enough of them!!
smoothiesBut this week the ‘Peanut Butter Smoothie’ had to be my favourite. So creamy and yummy and with the gloomy day I had it on it felt like a nice treat without affecting my weight loss progress!
I have been talking to a few friends who have been asking me about what I am doing with my weight loss and I realised that I have changed so much more about myself than I even gave myself credit for.
The things I think I have learned that would help all of you other mummies out there include:

  • Plan ahead – know what you are going to cook for the week or at least the next 3-4 nights so you can ensure you have all ingredients on board and you can schedule your afternoons better knowing how much time it will take to prepare/cook.
  • Keep a food diary – sometimes we just don’t realise how much we pick or how we skip meals/snack times (which are two of my weaknesses). Writing everything down forces you to look at what you could be doing differently to better your eating habits.
  • Keep active – even if only 15mins a day, exercise makes you feel soooooo much better about your day physically AND mentally. Putting on your gym clothes as soon as you wake up can be a great idea to force yourself to get out and about or even do it in the comfort of your home.
  • Keep updated with information – constantly reading all the posts on the Lose Baby Weight Facebook page and website allows you to be aware and informed of all the different options there are. It has personally allowed me to work on not making excuses anymore as every situation has a process that you can follow to suit your needs!

lose_baby_weightMentally I am having to work on myself to stay strong and not give up this week.
Being cooped up in my house with no car for the last 3 weeks and finding out it’s going to take a week longer than expected was a very frustrating thing to hear.
Plus being limited to what I can do with my injuries has definitely proven difficult at times.
But I look at how far I have come and how much further I want to go. I am past the half way point and I don’t want to look back.
Thank gosh for Lose Baby Weight and the guidance and support. It really is an amazing thing and when you see other woman and how far they have come.
I look at how far I have come and it just shows that no matter what life throws at you, even if you fall off the plan momentarily or are having a bad day, it’s not about looking back it’s about looking at where you want to go from here.
And I want to keep moving forward.
Bring on tomorrow
– Chloe Rizzi
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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