You’ve been so good with your healthy eating as you try to lose pregnancy weight. And then – BAM – you find yourself tested to the limit.
It could be a last minute suggestion of a certain take away that you swore you wouldn’t touch again.
A piece of cream filled cake handed to you at a work morning tea when you aren’t even hungry.
Or a friend who insists you order something less-than-healthy for dessert at a restaurant to make her feel less guilty about what she has ordered.
healthy_eatingAlmost every day you will find your willpower tested in some way. And perhaps in the past you may not have even thought about it too much. Perhaps you gave in more often than not.
But now that you are aware of what you need to do in order to lose pregnancy weight you might be wondering how you can fight back.
Think of your willpower as a muscle. The more you use it and exercise it the stronger it will become. In time, you will become so used to making the better choices that it will just be second nature.
Until that day comes, try using some of our tips below to help you get through the challenges that you will inevitably face.
28 Day Challenge

Think about how you will feel after doing it

How do you feel after overdoing it on a less than ideal food choice? A bit bloated and queasy perhaps?
Try to really focus on that feeling before you succumb to the hamburger meal deal and it can be one of the best ways to feel confident enough to say ‘no thanks’.

Remind yourself why you should make the better choice

We love the idea of keeping reminders on the fridge. It could be your ideal weight on a post it note. Or a photo of yourself at pre-baby weight. A picture of your family. Or a picture of someone from a magazine that you feel represents an attainable version of you at a healthy weight.
This way when you are in the kitchen – where, let’s face it, much of our willpower gets tested – you will have a visual reminder of why you are following the healthy eating plan.

Don’t keep your weaknesses in the house

If you have your willpower muscle tested by a packet of chocolate biscuits on the counter every time you are in the kitchen, it won’t be long until you become fatigued and give in.
By keeping things like this out of the house (or at least out of sight) we can give ourselves a little bit of breathing space from the stress of cravings at a weak moment.

Be super organised

If you always remember to take food (and your water bottle) with you when you head out you will find it much easier to avoid the enormous choc chip muffin at your favourite café, as you will know that you have something tasty in your bag for when you feel hungry.
When it comes to dinner, knowing that you have planned your meals for the week is a great way to avoid ordering in.
And be kind to yourself – if you know that Wednesdays are a busy day, be sure to use that as the day you cook a simple dinner (like our 15 Minute Frittata) rather than something too fiddly.
This is why the 28 Day Challenge can be really beneficial – all of your meals and snacks are pre-planned and we even provide a shopping list so that you know exactly what to buy. Find out more here.

Get outdoors

There is nothing like feeling tired or lethargic to test your mettle for chocolate or cake.
So if you find yourself getting the nibbles for something sweet at about 2pm, why not set that as the time for a walk outside in the fresh air (so long as you can avoid walking past bakeries and sweet shops!).

Find healthy alternatives and keep them handy

Who doesn’t crave something sweet with their afternoon cuppa? 3pm is a killer time (read more on that here) and so it pays to be prepared with something that feels indulgent.
We love treats like these Energy Balls or this Coffee and Date Slice.
28 day plan
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here