Hello everyone! We hope you are having a great week and that our pick of the day weight loss recipes give you some great inspiration to get cooking and get healthy today – plus you can see that it is possible to lose weight in a healthy and sensible way when you feel 100% ready to do so.
Enjoy the recipes

Chocolate & Peanut Butter Cookies

If you are looking for a decadent but healthy snack then these cookies are perfect for you and can still be enjoyed as part of your healthy eating plan – such as the Lose Baby Weight plan.
Plus these Chocolate & Peanut Butter biscuits are extremely tasty and so much healthier than the type of processed biscuits you can buy in the shops – and the whole family will love them.
You can see the recipe here
healthy snacks

Lemon & Coconut bliss balls

Here is a fun healthy eating snack idea that is packed with heart healthy coconut and the goodness of almonds.
Unlike sweets, chocolate or lollies, you will find that recipes made with ‘good fats’ like coconut fill you up much quicker. They don’t usually tempt you to overeat as the healthy fats satisfy the sweet craving.
See the recipe here

Healthy Warm Snacks

Healthy snacking is an integral part of losing weight as regular snacking helps keep your blood sugar levels stable and your metabolism firing.
Including nutritious, vitamin-rich snacks in your healthy eating plan is a sure fire way to stay full, stay motivated, maintain optimal health and lose weight at the same time.
Here are five, healthy snacks that are perfect for including in your diet
You can see 5 snacks here

Motivation & Inspiration

Staying motivated on a daily basis when you are losing weight is one of the hardest but also most important parts of reaching your weight loss goal. You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but you do need to be consistent over a long period of time if you want to see those kilos go. And keeping yourself motivated on a daily basis is 101 on our weight loss plans. 
And this is why we share so many stories of mums on their weight loss journey and who have reached their goal – so that you can read what they are going through, can identify with them, can learn from them and be inspired by them!
And today we suggest reading Kahli Innis’ story who has lost 15kg on our Lose Baby Weight plans
You can read Kahli’s story here

Healthy Blueberry Smoothie

Try this nutrition packed healthy mummy smoothie

  • 2 x tbsp of Vanilla Healthy Mummy Smoothie mix
  • 1 x tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup of blueberries
  • 1 x tbsp of oats
  • 250ml of low fat milk

Blend for 2-3 minutes
Blueberry & Banana Bang Smoothie


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