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This month we continue to be motivated by the weight loss journey of Motivating Mum Nicole Daniels who has now lost 23kg on our Lose Baby Weight plans plans using The Healthy Mummy range of products (28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan & Healthy Mummy Smoothies). You can read some of her previous posts here and here.
Well this week has been hectic as we had new carpet and flooring laid.
I Managed to fit in all my exercise but it was hard. I had one day were I was feeling a bit stressed but I went for a nice long walk and it helped clear my head.
I finally got some new trainers on the weekend yay! I love them they make sure a difference having proper shoes to work out in. They have motivated me that on the weekend instead of just going for a walk I did 20 min exercise each day. I will be differently be doing more exercise on the weekend.
I also got my copy of the new 28 day plan, it’s so gorgeous and all the pictures look amazing. It’s great to have The lose baby weight information on hand and it is all so easy to use and to follow – I am so happy to have lost 23kg on the Lose Baby Weight plans!.
This week we made banana bread and coffee date slice from the website and raspberry protein balls and made for the kids the muesli slice from the cookbook, they loved it.
I’m looking forward to trying more of the recipes from the Spring & Summer Cookbook – which I love!.
I still enjoy having my healthy mummy smoothies for lunch I love the berry bang and the choc coconut surprise. I have my favs but love trying new ones and that is one of my goals for the month.
I am still trying new foods like avocado which I have never had before starting LBW and have had in my smoothies but for breakfast I had the boiled eggs on linseed toast with tomato and had it with avocado, It’s so nice I can’t believe I was missing out, so don’t be afraid to try new foods.
This week for dinner we had the Marinated lamb and grilled veggies from the 28 day plan as well as chicken and steamed veggies and super spaghetti Bolognese and one of our vegetarian meals for the week of frittata, quick easy and super healthy.
I will be doing the 3 day cleanse from the spring/summer cookbook next week, I’m looking forward to it except I don’t drink tea or coffee but am willing to give the green tea a go.
This week I lost 0.5g bringing my total to 23 kilos lost. I was hoping for a bit more but it’s a loss and closer to my goal weight.
Have a happy and healthy week Nik xxx
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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