Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click HERE to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
Today we are getting an update from, Nicole Taylor who has managed to lose over 7 kilograms so far with Lose Baby Weight and the support from the Lose Baby Weight community. You can read Nicole’s first post HERE.
‘”Another week another 500g loss. Slowly but steadily I’m getting there. Considering the week we’ve had with a sick little one (fever for 3 days and counting, antibiotics and pain medications on a schedule, and he just will not be put down), I’m feeling awesome. It’s meant I’ve not had a chance to go through my wardrobe to cull out some of the bigger clothes that I don’t need/want any more, but that just means I get to have fun trying on all my old (smaller) clothes this week instead!
My morning exercise plans didn’t pan out as they were meant to, so extra incidental exercise was needed. I paced the house wearing my 11kg baby in a carrier to try and help settle him, I did squats while cooking dinner, and once my husband was home of an evening to help look after the kids I kept moving as much as possible until I was too tired to move.
I’ve decided to take on the 30 day squat challenge through the month of August too. I started off with 50 squats on day 1, 55 on day 2, then adding 5 squats a day with every 4th day a rest day. It’s been good to have a target to reach every day, even if all I’ve done is my squats and lots of walking, I feel like I’ve achieved something (a short workout is better than no workout).
The new Lose Baby Weight Calorie Bible is awesome. I put it in my handbag (or nappy bag, depends on where we’re going), and it’s helped me pick better choices when eating out. For instance, I haven’t had a microwave meal in a long time, but given the sick little one I thought it might be an idea to have one or two on hand in case the day/night truly goes badly and Shane ends up getting takeaway on his way home.
He usually gets pizza or fish and chips, so this way he can get what he likes, the kids will be happy with his choice, and I can still have a quick healthy meal that’s not going to derail my weight loss plans. The calorie bible also has some great snack ideas, and you can compare them based on calories to stick within your target (if you’re counting calories, you certainly don’t have to when trying to lose weight).
My favourite smoothie used to be the Mocha Smoothie, it was quick, easy and tasty, but in my quest to branch out I think the Banana And Blueberry Booster or the Berrymania might be overtaking it. The blueberry and banana is really great for lifting your mood and starting the day of on the right foot, and if you use some frozen banana it turns out just like a thick shake (but healthy!).
Since I’ve started adding oats and chia seeds to my smoothies on a regular basis, I’ve also started to blend just the dry ingredients on high speed for a few seconds before adding milk and fruit. It doesn’t always make my smoothies perfectly smooth, but if you’re like me and not a huge fan of textured drinks it does make them smoother than throwing it all in at once
Now that my weekly weight loss is slowing down I find I need to get back into weighing out my portions. It’s easy to start increasing them ever so slightly as time goes on, and then that can make it harder if the scales don’t move as much. I just have some $12 digital kitchen scales form Kmart and they’re working a treat.
Tips for making it easier to stick to your plans (whatever they may be):
- Use the free tools on the Lose Baby Weight website to work out your BMR and how much you need to be eating to lose weight safely, and add extra if you’re breastfeeding
- If you know there’s a period of time in the day when your baby or children are happy, use that time to prep dinner. It might just be chopping some vegies and meat and leaving them in bowls in the fridge if you’re doing a stir fry, but believe me it can make all the difference when it comes to getting dinner on the table quickly. Better yet, check out the slow cooker recipes on the Lose Baby Weight website and then there’s little to no evening prep needed
- Have a list of snacks that are easy to pack if you’re going out for the morning/afternoon. My favourite is a piece of fruit and some raw almonds. I find it’s harder to pack if I have to stop and think about it, but a list on the fridge means I have choices but don’t have to spend time looking up my options.
- Clean your blender straight away. I rinse mine out, add hot soapy water, then turn it on and it cleans itself. Quick, simple, and it means next time I want to use it I don’t have old smoothie to deal with.
Stats update:
Starting (30.04.2013) | Previous (23.07.2013) | Current (07.08.2013) | |
Weight | 86.6kg | 80.1kg | 79.0kg (down 500g since last week) |
Bust | 109cm | 102cm | 102cm |
Waist | 95cm | 89cm | 85cm |
Hips | 107cm | 105cm | 103cm |
Thighs | 60cm | 57cm | 57cm |
I still need to work on last week’s goals so I’m continuing with them this week. I’ve been tracking my calories using an app for my phone, and am going to use this week to really watch my portion sizes and make sure I account for every cup of tea or coffee (I don’t add sugar, but all the milk adds up over the course of a day). I’m also not going to eat anything that the kids don’t want just to save wasting food. A friend told me “it’s either a waste, or your waist”, and it’s really helped me to stop finishing off the kids plates when I’m not even hungry after eating my serve. Maybe it will help you too?
Until next week,
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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