Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
Eleanor Hannah has been motivating us all with her posts during the month of May. We loved hearing from her so much that we asked her to join us for June as well!
This mum of three has already lost more than 23kg and has overcome some major obstacles along the way.
You can read some of Eleanor’s posts from last month here and here.
‘Week 1 of June down, and I have had an awesome week.
I have been concentrating this last week on eating, I’m a shocker for not eating and have been since Cassandra was born 3 years ago.
That was half my weight problems, my body had gone into “I’m going to store everything mode” and some days I wouldn’t eat and wouldn’t even think about eating till just before school pick up.


I wouldn’t even be hungry, I was just so busy making sure everyone else had everything they needed that I just forgot about me.

So fast forward to now, I have my alarm set on my phone, on the laptop and on my watch these days for every 2 hours.
This way I make a conscious effort to actually eat at 7.30, 9.30, 11.30, 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, etc.
smoothieI then allow myself half an hour from the alarm to actually eat and I’m actually starting to feel hungry again – for me that’s pretty cool 🙂
My exercise has been great too this week. I have been squeezing it in wherever I can, little bits all throughout the day.
I have been pretty busy this week, we had hubby’s checkup at the hospital on Monday and he got the all clear wahoo!!!!  So now it’s almost 2 and a half years since his cancer came back 🙂
So although we were away from home I made healthy choices when I used to go for the easy quick option.
I planned – I think that’s what it’s coming down to these days – I am thinking ahead more.
Things can change at the drop of a hat. One of them is sick, so I can’t go to the gym. Shopping takes an hour longer than it should as a certain 3 yr old chucks a tanty in the middle of the supermarket, and then we don’t have time for a walk that day etc etc
I now think OK can’t go for a walk so I will use the steps at home and run round the yard with the kids.
I’m always thinking of what else I could do instead, when I used to go oh well can’t go for a walk so I will have to go tomorrow. My whole mindset has completely changed.
I have been making some yummy things this week, but have just been sticking with the basics which has been good.
We have changed up our menu so we have certain things on each night. For instance

  • Burgers – Friday
  • Roast –  Sunday
  • Spag Bol – Wednesday

Then I have been looking through the Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Plan and the website and finding recipes. So we are still mixing it up but my brain doesn’t get as tired haha.
As for my results this week, I have decided I’m not going to weigh and measure myself for the month of June as I’m trying to take my focus away from the number on the scales. Instead I am going on how my body is feeling, clothes fitting etc.
I have added weight training into my routine at home (picked up some cheap 2nd hand weights) so no doubt doing that will be affecting my weight. I don’t want to be disheartened for the month, but I’m looking forward to doing it at the end of the month 🙂
lose_baby_weightI am planning to do all my exercise at home this week as well as going to the gym for 3 classes.
With the kids having been sick the last 2 weeks I’ve really got into working out at home throughout the day.
Some days it’s been 5 mins here and there, but it has added up and I’ve been reaching my target of 60min exercise a day.
For the last week I have been having my Healthy Mummy Smoothies for breakfast and dinner, and having dinner at lunch.
It’s making me feel not so flat at night, and I clean up the kitchen while kids and hubby are eating. So I have time after the kids are in bed to enjoy some quiet time with hubby and usually watch TV with him while doing exercise in the lounge.
This week coming I want to stick to remembering to eat. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten so much during the day hehe but I’m feeling sooo much better for it – even with 3 hours sleep (last night) today I still feel good. I’m very tired but not so blah like I used to feel.’
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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