Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!
Here is Clair Kerr’s Motivating Mum’s second week post – you can read her first week post here and well done Claire for losing over 10kg so far – AMAZING WORK CLAIRE!!
‘Boy has this week been a challenge and a half for me. My 10 month old daughter has had a bad cold and a tummy bug combined, which has pretty much confined me to the laundry doing a lot of cleaning.
I also missed my weigh-in on Saturday morning, so I weighed myself on Thursday morning instead and it’s showing a weight gain of 700 grams – 84.4 kgs.
Hopefully that’s because it’s mid-week!  But I will now switch my weigh-in day to Thursday morning so we can get a more accurate reading.
On top of that I realised my bathroom floor isn’t level, so now I have found a spot which is nice and flat and gives me consistent readings.
This is me on the right in the pants I bought a few weeks ago because the old ones wouldn’t stay up without a hair tie – wow! I am the heaviest I had been on the left at 94kg before I found Lose Baby Weight and The Healthy Mummy products!


The good news is I have lost another centimetre from my bust and from my hips, bringing my total bust measurements loss to 12 cm and my hips to a total of 12 cm also.
I hope this isn’t too much information but I can now see the tendons on the front of my ankle when I wriggle my foot around!  This was such a victory for me as my husband loves to use the word “cankles”.
Due to having a sick bub I haven’t been able to get out walking this week, but instead I did a lot of cleaning and scrubbing around the house, and boy can my muscles feel it!
I have set myself a goal for this weekend and the following week. The goal is to walk to the park with my daughter (about a kilometre away) and also walk to the shops (same distance) if it’s just one or two things we need.
I will have my 10 kg daughter strapped to me as a reminder of how far I have come, and how far there is to go.
I’m determined not to let the weight gain of 700 grams get in the way of my confidence this week.
This week I have enjoyed chia seeds in my Healthy Mummy Smoothies for the first time.  My favourite smoothie is made on almond milk (unsweetened, so only 40 calories per 250 ml!).
I make it with a banana, chocolate smoothie mix, chia seeds, a squeeze of honey and some nutmeg.


Time to get adventurous though, and I’m looking forward to my smoothies this coming week.

Last week I promised to share some of my hints to ensure you don’t fall off the track on those days when the idea of actually having to prepare a meal, simple as it may be, just makes you reach for the take-out menu.
I always keep a few cans of low calorie soup in the cupboard.  The whole tin is only about 250 calories and they make a great lunch when you are really struggling for time.
The same goes with pre-packaged fruit – make sure it’s in natural fruit juice!  These will save your diet and your sanity when the kids have just given you one of those days.
Another trick of mine is to make sure the blender is kept clean.  I almost went out and bought myself a second blender, but then I realised how stupid that is and I should just clean it as I use it to ensure it’s ready to go for my breakfast smoothies.
I also have one for lunch if I’m tempted to eat something that’s not on the plan, but my favourite mealtime of all is the dinners from the 28 Day Plan.
This week my goals are to include much more exercise (weather and baby permitting), and if not to do a lot more around the house when I can.
I also want to try new smoothie recipes, to spend 30 minutes a day on my cross-trainer, and to discover the Winter Warmer menu to keep up the variety and the excitement of new foods in my diet.
I have attached a picture for inspiration.  Recently I purchased a new fridge and found it very disheartening to see that the standard fruit and vege crispers were just so tiny!
healthy_eatingOur old 300L fridge, I would fill up the crisper AND two shelves FULL of fruit and vegetables.
When I saw this 554L fridge, I knew it was the one because of its massive crisper, and I can’t believe I fill it up each week with fresh produce.  Such a change to where I was a year ago.
Always remember a change in your diet and weight loss is a long-term goal.  There will be setbacks, there will be tears, but there will be many victories if we take it slow and steady.
Let’s do this together!’
– Claire Kerr 
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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