Today we have our pick of the day healthy and delicious weight loss recipes – plus some extra weight loss motivation – and as always we are here to show mums how it is possible to lose weight in a healthy and sensible way when you feel 100% ready to do so.
P.S. – our Mother’s Day mega give-away gift with purchase is on – see the great gifts on offer every day this week here

Dairy Free Panna Cotta

Traditional Panna Cotta typically uses calorie-laden cream and white sugar, so isn’t the type of dessert you can include in your healthy eating plan.
This recipe for a lightened up, dairy-free Panna Cotta is made using coconut milk and fresh fruit, so it a better option to go for when losing weight.   
See the recipe here

Moroccan Chicken Salad

This weight loss recipe for Moroccan Chicken Salad is packed full of nutrition and is also great for helping to lose tummy fat so make a big batch and keep for seconds tomorrow!
You can see the recipe here
Moroccon salad

Toddler Friendly fritters

One of the challenges that come with trying to lose weight is cooking healthy, nutritious meals that your children will eat as well.
Children are notoriously fussy eaters, and many may reject the “healthy” foods and meals that feature on many weight loss plans.
This recipe for Easy Cheesy Carrot Fritters is a nutritious, low calorie menu option that all children from toddlers to teens will enjoy.
You can see the recipe here

Motivation & Inspiration

Staying motivated on a daily basis when you are losing weight is one of the hardest but also most important parts of reaching your weight loss goal. You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but you do need to be consistent over a long period of time if you want to see those kilos go. And keeping yourself motivated on a daily basis is 101 on our weight loss plans. 
And this is why we share so many stories of mums on their weight loss journey and who have reached their goal – so that you can read what they are going through, can identify with them, can learn from them and be inspired by them!
And today we suggest reading Nicole Daniel’s story who has lost 27kg on our Lose Baby Weight plans
You can read Nicole’s story here

Zesty Lemon Cheesecake smoothie

Try this nutrition packed and very tasty berry healthy mummy smoothie that will put a spring in your step today
The recipe is here

Turn Your Body Into A Fat Burning Machine

fat burning
In order to lose weight, it’s important that your metabolism is in top working order.
That’s what is responsible for burning the fat in your body.
So to make your body burn more fat, there are several things you can do that will push your metabolism into high gear.
See our top 8 things to do here
And you can check in with our blog and new weight loss recipes and weight loss help on a daily basis here

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