When you’re a busy mum trying to lose pregnancy weight, any quick tips to get healthy eating food on the table faster are a must.
Today we present you with 10 great ideas for things that you can freeze in ice cube trays that will make life so much easier.
Once frozen, click out the cubes and store in labelled zip lock bags or plastic tubs for easy access.
Baby purees
If your little one is starting solids, it definitely pays off to prepare a big batch of their pureed food in advance. So steam your sweet potato, carrot, or make them a casserole or Bolognese – and then pop it into an ice cube tray. Freeze, and then store the cubes in labelled zip lock bags.
You can easily defrost just the right amount of cubes that you need for each meal (minimising waste). You can also easily mix and match the cubes to give bub new flavour combinations (many kids love a mixture of sweet potato and apple for instance).
Next time you have a roast chicken, keep the bones and skin and make yourself a homemade stock. To store it, freeze some in one-cup containers, and then freeze lots in ice cube trays.
You will find these so handy for adding to your Bolognese, making gravy, deglazing the pan, or using to cook some couscous or brown rice.
If your herb garden is overflowing, make yourself a big old batch of pesto and then store it in ice cube trays.
You only need to defrost them for about 10 seconds in the microwave and voila you have pesto to add to your chicken and cheese toastie, or a quick pesto pasta dinner for the kids, or mix a few defrosted cubes with some natural yoghurt for a super healthy dip.
Got yoghurt that you’re not going to get through? Don’t bin it – freeze it! Frozen yoghurt cubes are GREAT for adding to your Healthy Mummy Smoothie as they add a nice cool creaminess to your drink.
You could also add a cube to your curry as you cook it if you wanted to reduce the intensity of the chilli.
If you buy herbs and don’t use them all, you can save them for later by freezing them. Just chop them up and place in an ice cube tray. Add some olive oil or stock and freeze.
You can also make a quick homemade herb butter by chopping up sage or rosemary and mixing with some soft butter. Freeze the herb butter and use to add flavour to steamed veggies or place in the pan with your grilled fish or steak.
Pureed Fruit
If you’ve bought fruit on sale and it’s on the turn, don’t waste it. Peel and steam it, or stew it in the slow cooker. Then place in ice cube trays.
Use the defrosted pureed fruit on your porridge or muesli, in your Healthy Mummy Smoothie, as a dessert with natural yoghurt and chopped nuts, as a healthy kids snack, or mix with chia seeds to make a healthy jam.
Coconut Milk
So often you don’t need a whole can of coconut milk or coconut cream, and it can end up going to waste. Not anymore!
Freeze any unused portion and then use it in your Healthy Mummy Smoothies or in your cooking.
The last dregs of the bottle can be frozen to add later to a beef casserole, Bolognese or sauce. You can also add them to your gravy for a roast chicken.
Lemon Juice
Many recipes call for just a teaspoon or two of lemon/lime/orange juice, and then the rest can sit in the fruit bowl going bad.
Just freeze any unused fresh juice and you will have it to hand when you next need a splash for some salad dressing or dessert.
Homemade Pasta Sauce
Next time you see ripe tomatoes on sale, grab them. Slice a dozen in half and place on a tray with two halved and peeled onions, and two garlic cloves. Drizzle with olive oil, season, then bake in a 180C oven until the tomatoes start to roast and break down.
Place in a large pot and use a stick blender to puree. You’ve just made your own healthy pasta sauce (no added sugar or preservatives here!) and you can freeze in ice cube trays. Then when you need a healthy tomato sauce you’ve got the right amount there ready to go.
Love the Healthy Mummy team xxx
Every month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored! Next month’s theme is the ENERGY & METABOLISM BOOSTING! – so if you are feeling a tad tired – this one is right up your avenue!!
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try here. Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.
About the 28 Day Challenge:
Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge
Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
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Erin Loses a MASSIVE 44.7kgs on our 28 Day Challenges
Erin says: “I love the 28 day challenge! It takes all the guess work of “what do i have for dinner” and fumbling around the fridge looking for ingredients before deciding on something “easy” (and usually not healthy!) The best thing is, after doing my weekly shop once the shopping list comes out I have everything I need to make something HEALTHY AND EASY!”
DON’T delay!
Join today and become healthier and fitter this Winter. Join 1000’s of other mums on the same journey and be supported every step of the way.
You won’t regret it!