They may only come in very small packaging, but the health benefits of a variety of berries pack a powerful punch.
You’ll find berries in loads of our recipes, from snack to desserts and in our smoothies. So why do we love them so much and how do they help us to lose baby weight?
Today we look into why we love using berries as an integral part of losing baby weight, and how best to prepare and store them to get the most out of them on your healthy eating plan.

  • Berries are choc full of antioxidants, which help us to fight off free radicals that can lead to illness.
  • Strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, blackberries and raspberries are also full of fibre, which not only help us to feel fuller for longer, but also help to keep you regular.
  • Berries can be used fresh, frozen or dehydrated all year round, and will generally maintain their nutrient content.
  • Berries also helps to curb your craving for sweet things which is a great way to naturally keep your calorie intake in check.

It is a great habit to keep in mind that berries of all kinds are full of nutrients and antioxidants, and are considered superfoods. Enjoy them in moderation as part of your healthy eating plan.


Forget what you thought about the vitamin c levels in oranges – a one cup serve of strawberries contains more vitamin c and folic acid than a whole orange. Eat fresh from the punnet or in a beautifully colourful fruit salad, these gorgeous berries have come into season and will be around for all of Summer.
Chocolate strawberry
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Blueberries are the perfect addition to muesli and smoothies, and are delicious to snack on by them selves. They contain 20 different types of beneficial antioxidants, earning them the Super food Title over most other fruits and vegetables.


Blueberries are the perfect addition to muesli and smoothies, and are delicious to snack on by them selves. Perfect to use fresh, dried or juiced, the cranberry is said to be a natural probiotic and is often used to help combat the symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections. Cranberries can also aid digestions, so don’t forget to toss some through your next salad or trail mix for a yummy addition of texture and flavour.

Raspberries and Blackberries

Raspberries and blackberries are readily available frozen at the supermarket so that you can use them in your baking and smoothies all year round. Containing over 8 grams of fibre per cup serve, they see you feeling fuller for longer, whilst giving you one third of your recommended daily intake of fibre.

berry choc

Preparation and Storage

It is important to try to only wash berries immediately before using them – their soft and delicate texture makes bruising when washing easy and extra water on your berries will more than likely increase the chance they’ll begin to spoil. Be sure to remove any stems, leaves and soft spots prior.
If you are keen to get organised and want to wash your berries before storing or freezing them, don’t soak the berries, rinse them in a colander and allow to drain. Storing the berries in the colander in the fridge will increase air circulation and keep your berries fresher for longer.
To freeze, place on a cookie sheet or in a snaplock bag and freeze washed and dried berries until solid.
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We love all sorts of berries at Lose Baby Weight, and you’ll find that lot’s of our recipes use them for extra flavour, texture and sweetness. Our Mint Berry Smoothie  recipe will not only fill you up, it’ll satisfy your sweet tooth too, while the Healthy Almond Berry Cake is not only delicious, but it’s guilt free, at only 140 calories per serve.
If it’s a sweet snack you are after, why not try a Frozen Yoghurt Berry Macadamia Bar, which has only 98 calories per bar, or a Chocolate Goji Berry Muffin with only 87 calories each.
Love snacks and desserts? Get your FREE recipe sampler from our 28 Day Challenge by clicking here
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Results from mums using Healthy Mummy Smoothies

Annaleese transformed her body using Healthy Mummy Smoothies ~ 
annaleese collage
Annaleese says:
“I have lost 16.9kg since February with Lose Baby Weight Smoothies and for the first time EVER, I am starting to like what I see in the mirror. Lose Baby Weight has changed my family’s life – if you have been thinking about joining but haven’t signed up yet, do it! You will never look back!”
DON’T delay!