I was about 75kg (6kg over my ideal weight) when we conceived in March 2012, by the time I was induced at 40weeks + 10 days on December 17th I weighed in at 95kg!
With our wedding in May 2013 I was determined to get back to a healthy weight and shape while making sure our baby was getting all the goodness I could provide him breast feeding.
When I found the Lose Baby Weight website I called up and discussed the healthy mummy smoothies and found out not only could I have them while breastfeeding but it could help to boost my milk supply so I went ahead and bought them.
I’d already stocked up on my Healthy Mummy Smoothies in advance so when I got home with my new baby boy a week before Christmas I started immediately.
I replaced breakfast and lunch with delicious icey smoothies with banana and frozen berries and have a meal at night with my fiancé from the great recipes I’d find on the website. Having my smoothies made it easy to keep a routine and easy to drink while breastfeeding bub. Even my partner loved the meals, he couldn’t believe they were good for him – his favourite being BBQ pulled port fajitas.
I started off with daily 4km walks in park with Liam in his baby bjorn or stroller and fitball exercises at home working on my core while he lay beside me on his activity mat.
It was really important for me to get out everyday even if it was just a 30 minute walk to the shops. Seven weeks post partum I returned to the gym for 45 min sessions of cardio and weight training 3 times a week in the evenings – so Dad and bub hung out together.
It was healthy for my body but also my state of mind to get out in the fresh air and work up a sweat. When you have a new baby it can become all consuming and I found routine of my smoothies and exercise helped me be the confident and relaxed mummy to Liam who is a healthy and happy 8kg baby boy!
Weight going down
- Hospital weigh in 95kg – 16 December 2012
- Liam born (3.4kg) natural birth – 17 December 2012
- Started having the Healthy Mummy Smoothies – 20 December 2012
- Weight on Australia Day 26 January 2013 – 81kg
- Weight 68kg – 17th April 2012
My wedding dress fitting is in a week and it is falling of me. I am so proud of what I have achieved in 4 months,I will definitely be using this again when we have our second child.
Thank you Lose Baby Weight!
– Suzette McCrea
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here – with free express postage if you order the book on its own