Motivating Mum Michaela McAllister talks about PCOS and weight loss on her 100 Day Challenge with Lose Baby Weight.
Hey Everyone,
I want to share my weight loss journey with PCOS (Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome.)
I get asked a lot what is the secret to lose weight with PCOS? Well my secret is The Healthy Mummy/Lose Baby weight products.
For the first time EVER my weight is coming under control and although it is a little harder for me to lose weight than someone who doesn’t have it, it has still been relatively easy! The Healthy Mummy/Lose Baby Weight programs WORK!!
Just after I started Lose Baby Weight, I researched into PCOS for the first time in 12 years of being diagnosed and safe to say I was actually scared of what I read, but knew with the help of Lose Baby Weight’s Low GI healthy eating plans I was taking the first step in the right direction to get my health under control.
Starting out on Lose Baby weight I knew I did not want to fail this time like the rest of the programs I had been on in the past. So with that and researching into PCOS and the best ways to encourage safe and healthy weight loss, I came across a suggested diet best suited to help with PCOS symptoms and weight loss.
The healthy eating plan mentions how a Dairy-free, Gluten-free, Organic, Low GI diet can help aid in sustained healthy weight loss and prevent the symptoms of the pain and discomfort that can come from PCOS. I personally don’t follow it strictly as of yet but have implemented it as much as possible (I am still learning what products do and do not have gluten in them and I haven’t completely cut out all dairy but I have limited it to a small amount each day.  Also depending on costs of organic vs non organic.) Including this in with the AMAZING Lose Baby weight Low GI recipes I have definitely seen improvements in my overall health and have seen amazing results in my continued weight loss.
Anyone that is feeling discouraged about weight loss because they have PCOS and think that it’s all too hard, my honest advice is to give Lose Baby Weight a go and you will see AMAZING results too!
If you are wanting more information on PCOS there are HEAPS of informational blogs on the Lose Baby weight website from other mums in the same position.
This week saw us finally return home to Victoria after a long 4 months away in Tasmania. I desperatly wanted to get down to 79 before we arrived home but kept self sabotaging with emotinal eating. Menatlly because I hadn’t seen that magic number I wasn’t ready to get on the boat home (silly I know!). The day we left Tassie I was still 80kgs and there was nothing I could do apart from pull up my big girl pants and get on with it.
I reminded myself that when we first arrived in Tasmania I was 93kg and losing 13kg in just under 4 months was an incredible achievment and that I should be proud (which I definitely am.) As of last Saturday though after a little sneaky early weigh in I am 79.7 WAHOO!! Hello 70’s and bye bye 80’s I never want to see you again!!!
Now that we are finally home I will be booking into my local Doctors Clinic and getting a full health check up. I really needed to have one done before we left for Tasmania but honestly I was scared to find out what I didn’t want to hear. But now with my focus purely on my health for the better it’s time to know the truth and continue to improve it.
With finally being home now I can now try ALL of the yummy recipes I have been dying to try. With limited cooking appliances at our rental property I had to put a lot on my ‘wish list’ until we got home, now I just have to figure out which ones to try first. I’ll also be experimenting with different ingredients to try and come up with some new yummy healthy treats so keep watching this space for the results.
28 DayAnother thing I am planning on doing is trying a new Healthy Mummy Smoothie recipe each day, I keep getting stuck in a rut going back to my favourite (Banana Oat Buster, Snickers smoothie, Black Forest just to name a few) so lots and lots of yummy smoothie recipes will be flooding the Lose Baby Weight main page as well as the Private support page to help others get out of their ruts and try new delicious recipes (lets face it they are all delicious and I don’t think I have come past one I haven’t liked yet.)
I am desperately waiting for November’s 28 Day Challange to start. September I had such great results of losing 4kg and 51cm. I am missing the focus and the determination I had with it. Being on the Challenge with 1000’s of other people really helps keep you motivated and excited about each day’s recipes and exercises. Definitely one of my favourite purchases from Lose Baby Weight, the value for money is beyond incredible. I have also possibly reccomended it to everyone I know, it’s that fantastic.
Anyway time to get back into getting active and give The Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy DVD a run for its money. Until the next blog, believe in yourself and trust in the Healthy Mummy/Lose Baby weight programs because they honestly work!
Michaela McAllister xx
Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here
And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here