Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
Eleanor Hannah has been motivating us all with her posts this month.
This mum of three has already lost more than 23kg and has overcome some major obstacles along the way.
You can read some of Eleanor’s previous posts here and here.
Over to you Eleanor!
‘I have to start by saying my last week has been horrible.
Let’s just say tummy bugs, flu, teething, black eyes due to miss 3 jumping on my nose (fun times), 2 hours max sleep all nights apart from last night.
But that’s life with kids, you wouldn’t trade it for the world and you just have to keep going right? Even if you want to crawl into a ball in the corner haha
But I am so happy that I have the Healthy Mummy Smoothies they really save me with my eating.
They are quick and easy even with miss 1 on my hip and miss 3 attached to my leg 🙂
I love them, and the Lose Baby Weight program as its do-able even in a crappy week.
Due to my crappy week some days my old habit has been returning – the forgetting to eat habit
It’s a hard one to break and when lack of sleep kicks in it is the first thing to go for me, something I really need to keep on top of.
I have still been exercising with miss 1 attached to my ankle or hip, she has been my dumb bells, the weight sitting on my stomach while I do sit ups, leg lifts, lunges, you name it – she’s been attached to me.
We didn’t get to walk anywhere near as much as I would have liked but have been keeping active running around after the 3 girls that’s for sure, and doing step ups whenever I could.
I definitely haven’t got in as much exercise as I had planned for the last week of the winter challenge, pretty disappointed really but I’m not going to dwell on it I’m going to just keep going 🙂
So my results for the month. I’m pretty happy with them.
Although not completely happy but it’s still getting me closer to my goal of 69kgs.
I’ve lost 2 cms off my waist this last month, one cm off my thighs and have lost 1kg over the month.
It is getting so much harder as it’s not coming off quickly at all and I’m needing to push myself even more to get where I want to be.
I will keep pushing because I want to get there so badly!
But I have to keep reminding myself that I will get there, I’m hoping it will be by the end of August.
I think the main thing with the last little bit of weight is not to let it get you down and don’t give up!
And with the help of daily motivation from the Lose Baby Weight Facebook page and Instagram I’m going to get there!
I am noticing such a change in myself, just in everyday stuff.
I don’t get puffed when I run with the kids.
We went to a park the other day and I was getting up there and wasn’t worrying about how I looked. I could actually lift myself up on a wall which I couldn’t do a year ago.
My energy levels most days are through the roof and my mood is much better, not so up and down any more 🙂
And I fit exercise in whenever I can and I don’t dread it anymore 🙂
So my goals for this month:
- I’d love to lose a kilo a week (maybe unrealistic at this point) but I’m going to try.
- Concentrate more on what I’m eating and when and writing down what I’m eating too.
- Start pushing myself with my exercise more, getting past that point of giving up thinking that it’s too hard and pushing through
- GET SOME SLEEP!!! He he.’
– Eleanor Hannah
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
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