Hey healthy mummas, I’m Katrina and I’ve been one of your Motivating Mums this July. It’s been an absolute pleasure to share some of my journey with you this month.
This is my last post as your Motivating Mum for July and this challenge has taught me so much already. It’s ok to have a treat, that every day is a new day and that I have more will-power than I gave myself credit for!
This month I found changing my rewards to little things like 5 mins in shower in peace, painting my toes, getting nails, or colouring my hair was a real motivator for me.
Also realising that I had to stop blaming everyone and take responsibility for my own body and the actions I took to get to 95kgs. When I took responsibility it was like someone gave me the key to my life back. With exercise, I just get it done, I hate exercise lol but I just know I have to do it so I do and the rewards are amazing.
I don’t make excuses anymore, I owe this to myself to be the best version of me and to be healthy!
If I can do it, so can you! I’ve lost 5kgs during this months 28 day weight loss challenge, and feel positive that I can lose the last 10kgs with help from the healthy mummy! You can read about the how I started this month here and my mid month progress and battle with exercise update here.
Love and Light
Katrina xx