If you are just starting out on your weight loss journey, or even if you are well on your way, you may be asking yourself questions like this.
- How long will it take to lose weight?
- When will I reach my goal weight?
- Why isn’t it happening faster for me?
The short answer is – it will take some time to lose weight.
You will notice that here on Lose Baby Weight we don’t have stories about people losing vast amounts of weight in a matter of weeks.
The reason for this is that long term weight loss does take time to happen. In order to keep the weight off it’s important to lose it safely and slowly – otherwise you are just losing water weight and often muscle too.
We need to think of the journey to our goal weight as a new healthy lifestyle rather than a diet or fad that you are on for a few weeks, and then you’ll go back to your old habits.
You might have moments where you feel like you are stalling or have hit a plateau (or even put on a little weight). Think of these as blips on the radar.
Overall you are most likely on a downward trend in terms of your weight, and there will always be fluctuations week to week depending on things like your hormones, stress, and events in your life at the time.
But the good news is that you will get there. And the reason we know that is because we have all been there too.
So today we are going to take a look at some of the stories of mums on our Lose Baby Weight plans and give you a guide for how long it took them to lose their weight and hit their goals.
As you will see, everyone is different, so there are no hard and fast equations that we can give you in order to give you a date for reaching your goal.
The most important thing is to set the goal in the first place, and begin trying to reach it. It will take as long as it takes. Good luck!
Linda Hallas Lost 40kg In 52 Weeks
That’s 0.77kg per week
‘I have now reached 69 kilos (on a good day!) and feel like I have reached the light at the other end of the tunnel.
I achieved my goal with the motivation, smoothies and meals plans that are available on the Lose Baby Weight plans.
It was nice to feel like I was not alone – Lose Baby Weight has always made me feel like I have someone on the weight loss journey with me.
Of course I have had bad days – I have not lived 100% on food free from sugar, salt and fat. But a few meals and a long walk or two and I quickly return to feeling like the new transformed person that I have fallen in love with.
I love that I can run around with my kids. I love that all my back pain and knee pain is gone. I love that I can pick up clothes that I like and just wear them. And with all the imperfections, I love my body.
The one thing I have learnt well from Lose Baby Weight is that this is not a cliché diet, THIS IS A LIFE STYLE CHANGE! I am in this forever!’
You can read Linda’s story here.
Chaye Challacombe Lost 29kg in 10 Months
That’s 2.9kg per month
‘All too often, all we talk about is what we have lost – kg’s, cm’s etc.
So I started thinking about what I have gained instead.
- I have gained confidence in myself, something that I have not had for many years now.
- I have gained knowledge.
- I have learned so much about the importance of healthy eating and exercise, and how to make good choices.
- I have gained the feeling of accomplishment.
- I have gained acceptance and support from an amazing bunch of people at Lose Baby Weight and on the Facebook page. I can’t tell you what it means to me to see your kind comments on my posts.
- I have gained opportunities – such as the amazing opportunity to be a Motivating Mum.
- I have gained fitness – while a small amount so far, I am so much fitter than before.
- I have gained a healthy and happy future.
There is so much to be grateful for and I think sometimes we focus so much on just losing weight that we don’t see what we have gained instead.’
You can read Chaye’s story here.
Kat Brown Dropped From A Size 18 To A 10 In 5 Months
That’s around one dress size every 7 weeks
‘A lot happens when you lose weight.
It is a massive journey that we go on.
We face fears, try new foods, step out of our “comfort” zone.
For me, it has been a journey of self discovery, learning to be proud of how I look and how important it is to be happy, fit and healthy.
Thanks to the 28 Day Plan and the Healthy Mummy Smoothies I have been able to slowly re-discover the happy, healthy and confident woman that had been hidden under 4 kids worth of baby weight.
I can finally look in the mirror without being ashamed and unhappy with the person I see.’
You can read Kat’s story here.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
Click HERE to see our shop