Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
Eleanor Hannah has been motivating us all with her posts during the month of May. We loved hearing from her so much that we asked her to join us for June as well.
This mum of three has already lost nearly 30kg and has overcome some major obstacles along the way.
You can read some of Eleanor’s posts from last month here and here.
Over to your Eleanor!

‘It’s the 3rd week of June already – this month is flying by.

It’s been getting so cold it’s tempting to sit in front of the fire and blob out.
That’s what I did last winter – Layla was 3 months old and I was almost 30kg heavier and a lot unhappier.
We had just moved and had our 3rd child and I felt like I had the world on my shoulders.


I wasn’t unhappy with my family I was just unhappy with myself.
Fast forward a year and I am so different (and not just physically).
lose_baby_weightI am almost 30kgs lighter but that’s only half if it.
I am happier, healthier, fitter, I smile all the time, I can run with the kids without huffing and puffing (and I want to run).
I don’t fit exercise into my life – I make time. I have 3 kids and hubby and a house to sort out every day like all of us.
I have a gym membership I sometimes don’t use but I can say in the last year I have followed the Lose Baby Weight program 90% of the time.
I love the Healthy Mummy Smoothies, they were really my saviour whilst I was breastfeeding and still now I have 2 smoothies a day – I still haven’t got sick of them so they must be good 🙂
I am loving the Winter Weight Loss Challenge and enjoying the daily emails. Lose Baby Weight really are here to help us mums the right way – no quick fixes, just day by day and week by week.
In June I have done the Lose Baby Weight exercises 6 days a week and have walked every day for 30min or more.
I haven’t been to the gym but I’m OK with that. Things have been pretty crazy here so I’m proud of myself for everything else I have been doing. The Lose Baby Weight program has just become habit now.
I have also been doing the DVD I won in the Lose Baby Weight Instagram Competition it’s awesome! Challenging but awesome – ha ha you never would have heard me saying that a year ago.
Now that it is colder I have been having almost all of my smoothies warm, I just heat the milk before blending. So far any recipe I’ve found tastes good warm.
My progress
I haven’t weighed or measured myself this month like I said and I am a bit excited to do that at the end of the month.
I’m noticing slight changes week by week, clothes fitting better, not so many bumpy bits he he.
This last 10kgs is taking forever in my head but slow and steady right?! I think the last bit of weight you have to lose is the hardest, well it is for me!
I’ve lost on average 500gms a week since I began and that’s the right way, slow and steady. I keep repeating this to myself when I’m feeling frustrated.’
– Eleanor Hannah
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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