If you’re reading this post now you must be wondering what the differences are between the two, and what are the signs that separates postpartum depression from the ‘baby blues’?
As a general overview, the baby blues are very common and around 80% of new mums experience it around the first 2 weeks after giving birth.
However, postpartum depression (PPD) is considerably more serious and it requires deeper care and treatment. It can affect your functionality on a daily basis, can last many months and makes any weight loss plan very hard
Let’s take a look at some of the symptoms of the baby blues: mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, loss of appetite, and restlessness during sleep, just to name a few.
The exact cause of the baby blues is attributed to a variety of factors including hormones. Hormonal changes occurs in the first few days after giving birth when our bodies are adjusting itself back to its pre-pregnancy state. It can also happen due to overwhelming anxiety as we try to settle into our role as a new mummy.
Baby blue symptoms will generally fade away after 2 weeks after the birth of your child. All you need is some good old fashioned rest and pampering from family and friends. Don’t give yourself too much pressure and try to slowly ease into your new role.
Postpartum depression (PPD) is quite different from the baby blues and it can occur at anytime during the first year after giving birth. A lot of women confuse baby blues symptoms with PPD as some of them might seem a bit similar. Look out for more severe signs such as unhappiness in daily life, feelings of shame and guilt for not being able to care for your baby, overwhelming exhaustion, withdrawal from family and friends, and intense irritability and anger.
If you find that the symptoms of baby blues don’t go away after 2 weeks you should speak to your care provider to find out the possibility of PPD. Also, if you feel like the baby blues symptoms are getting more intense and severe, and they’re starting to affect your ability to care for your baby, don’t be afraid to seek help or speak to family members about your growing concerns.
So, if you ever find yourself uncertain about your symptoms or conditions, the safest bet is to speak to your medical care provider immediately, and start making a change in your daily life for your own health and your lovely infant’s happiness.
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