When winter hits, along with cold winds, rain and even some snow, it can make us want to give up on exercise completely – who wants to run around in the cold weather? And with a baby, it can be very difficult to make the time to exercise, especially when the weather forces us to stay indoors.
But there are weight loss exercises that you can do outside in the winter – even with a new baby – and there are plenty of exercises that you can do inside that take just 15 minutes to do and when you combine it with out Lose Baby Weight healthy eating plans you will be able to lose pregnancy weight this winter.
Outdoor Exercise
As for the exercise you can do outdoors – you can do plenty as long as you wrap up warm! Use the baby’s pram as a resistance tool (if they are over 12 months) – you can go for a jog with a pram provided you’re running on pretty flat ground. If your baby is still tiny, you can easily go for a long walk with the pram – just make sure baby is wrapped up warm against the cold.
Indoor Exercise
Pregnancy can really take it out of you and so when you return to exercise after having a baby, it’s important not to overdo it – ease yourself back into things gradually and you should find that you become fitter, stronger and healthier, thus making you a more capable mum.
Stretches with weights are an excellent way to rebuild muscle after pregnancy. The set of exercises below focuses on your legs, buttocks, tummy and arms and takes just 15 minutes. You could do this exercise when baby is taking a nap or you can pop them into their bouncy chair.
Strap ankle/wrist weights to your ankles. I recommend starting with 500g weights if you are new to exercise, as you can then move up onto something heavier when you become stronger. Firstly, do 5 lunges per leg – step forward with one leg, pushing down into your foot and hold for at least 5 seconds. Next, stand up straight holding onto something for balance.
Lift one leg straight out to the side, hold for 3-5 seconds, then drop it back down to your other foot, keeping it off the ground. Repeat 20-30 times and then do the same exercise on the other leg. These exercises work your legs.
Next, lean forward onto the back of a chair. Raise one leg directly behind you so that your foot is level with your bottom. Clench your bottom for 5 seconds, then drop the leg, keeping it off the ground and repeat 20 times. Do the same exercise on the other leg. This works your tummy and bottom.
Next, take the weights from your ankles and strap them to your wrists. Do a boxing movement with your wrists, punching in front of you, for a couple of minutes.
Finally, hold your arms out to the sides from your shoulders. Bend at the elbow and bring your hands in towards your shoulders. Repeat 20 times. These exercises work your arms.
You could also have a dance with your baby to get your heart rate up and your blood pumping – put baby into a safe sling on your chest and boogie on down to your favourite tunes. This is excellent cardiovascular exercise, plus the baby will provide extra resistance, making the exercise even more efficient. It’s also an excellent way to bond with baby.
Yoga and Pilates are also excellent indoor exercises, as they strengthen you from your core. Swimming is also an excellent winter exercise choice as it’s indoors, warm, and mother and baby can do it together! Plus an exercise DVD or investing in an exercise bike is also another great idea to keep active indoors.
Remember that when starting an exercise routine following pregnancy that you must take it easy and should never do anything without your Doctor’s ok. Your muscles will still be loose and your body will not be strong, so it’s important that you don’t overdo it or push yourself harder than necessary to lose the weight.
And if you are looking for a daily routine to follow, then try our 28 Day Diet and Exercise Plan which you can preview here