Last year the fantastic Valeria lost 15kg on our Lose Baby Weight plans (you can read her story here) and 9 months on we thought we would check in on Val to see how her weight loss maintenance is going and it is great news to hear that Val has kept her weight off and ensured that her weight loss was very much a healthy lifestyle change that she has maintained – well done Val!
You can see Val’s Q&A on her weight loss below


Q. How much weight did you lose on the lose baby weight plans?
A. 12kg
Q. How many kids do you have?
A. 2… 3yr and 22mths
Q. What was the best thing about the Lose Baby Weight plans and smoothies?
A. It was an easy way to lose weight without changing or altering my lifestyle too much.
My reasons for starting was because I was 49kg pre 1st pregnancy, then fell pregnant when my first was 6mthd old. I found that I couldnt kick my weight, and pre babies it was so simple…. So I saw the Lose Baby Weight  ad on FB and thought I’d give it a go. The healthy mummy smoothies alone worked a treat on me. At the beginning I was having 2 a day but after a few wks I dropped it back to 1. I was scared of losing too much weight in a short time as i was losing 1.5kg in a week and i really loved that, but i wanted to maintain the loss so i decided to slow down a bit. I also made sure my protein was the size of my hand and the rest full of vegies or salad. I also started dancing doing 2hr per week and flamenco is great for a workout.
The best thing even to today, is the easyness of the healthy mummy products, the smoothies and the 28 Day Plan. Starting from the website, product, support service, guidance right thru to the delivery, and also just being yummy helps!

Q. What is your top tip for other mums wanting to lose weight?
A. Be realistic. I wantef to lose 13-15kg in a year, I achievef that in 9mths … Eat well, but if u want that chocolate, eat it… Drink lots of water as that fills u up and is so good for u, amd if u do get hungry – brush ur teeth!
Q. Have you kept the weight off?
Q. Would you recommend lose baby weight to other mums?
A.Definitely. I already have and have had a friemd order from u and I try to guide her thru the ups and downs (when u get to that point where ur doing everything right, but can lose more weight anf it takes u ages to lose that 1kg)… I try to motivate her like Rhian has done to me/
Q. Anything else you want to add?
A.Just that I will keep recommending your product. Nowadays I don’t have the smoothie daily as I’ve managed to keep the weight off, but I do have 3 packs here as I love the smoothie for a quick breaky meal and I know its good the goodness to keep me going.

Definitely recommend it and will keep recommending.
Thank you for helping me through my weight loss path… I’m healthy at 54kg.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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