healthy_eatingWhen you are trying to lose weight, it can be easy to let the scales dictate a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ week.
You might see just a small loss or even a slight gain. And that can lead to a spiral of negative thoughts, which could even see you giving up.
But if you incorporate other measuring tools, such as your body measurements, you might find this is very motivating.
And if you focus on being healthy, eating well, and moving more – you might just find that the results on the scales will follow too.
So why not consider measuring yourself on a weekly or monthly basis?
Check out our article here which gives you all the facts about how and where to measure.
Today we look at some great ways to start losing centimetres off your stomach, which is an area we as women are often concerned about.

Increase your general cardio levels

When you start exercising, there is a chance that despite the scales not showing a big loss – you may have actually lost centimetres off your body. How?
When you move more and tone up, you are improving your muscle density. And you’ve all heard the old saying ‘muscle weighs more than fact.’ Well it’s actually not just a saying – it’s true!
We also know that it’s not possible to focus on just one area of the body to lose weight or centimetres. And so when it comes to the stomach area, it’s about moving your whole body in order to see results there.
So if you can start jogging, rowing, bike riding, hiking, or generally moving your whole body in an activity, you might just find that your stomach will naturally get smaller as a result.

Get a good night’s sleep

It has been shown that people that have a good night’s sleep are less likely to be bigger around their middles. When you are tired you are more likely to reach for the sugary snacks to try and give you an energy boost, which can lead to stomach fat depositing itself around your core.

Cut down on processed foods

A great way to lose centimetres off your stomach is to cut down on the amount of processed foods that you eat.
Unlike fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins – processed foods can contain a lot of sugars, salts and fats which can contribute to the dreaded belly bloat.
Things such as soft drinks, biscuits, chips, ice cream, cakes, chocolate bars and muffins are all examples of processed foods that could go on your hit list.
When you cut these down, you might find that your tummy goes down too. As your metabolism will be boosted this could be a natural bi-product. And when you compare your measurements in this area, it can be a fantastic way to keep you focused on sticking with it.

Decrease your alcohol consumption and increase water consumption

Alcohol can tend to bloat the body, so by replacing your glass of wine with a glass of fizzy water you can expect to see a reduction in your waist and stomach measurements.

Bulk up your meals with leafy greens

Instead of filling your plate with rice or pasta, why not try our tip of bulking out your meals with fresh veggies instead.
These fill you up without the calories, meaning you are less likely to reach for a less than healthy snack later.
Leafy greens give you a slow release of energy, unlike something like white rice which can lead to a spike in your blood sugars. This will help to rid your body of toxins which in turn can lead to a more efficient digestive system.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
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