A common frustration when you are losing weight can be that you have worked hard but at your weekly weigh in the scales does not move.
We repeatedly tell people that this may be because you are exercising and lean muscle is more dense than fat, so it takes up less space but is heavier. You can be in a smaller pants size and not be any lighter on the scale – so we always recommend taking measurements too. You can see more on this here and other reasons why you may not have lost weight.
But seeing is believing so we were THRILLED this week when Jessica Maybury sent in her photos and story which showed this very point and is a PERFECT example of why you should never give up if the scales doesn’t move and why you should always take measurements.
So read on!
Muscle gain

Jessica Maybury’s Weight Loss

“Hello! I was using The Healthy Mummy Smoothies and 28 Day Plan after the birth of my second baby and was feeling really good.
I wanted to share a picture with you of me 3 months after having bub I took some pictures however started getting discouraged by the results that weren’t showing up on the scales that was until I looked at my pictures of when I started and about 4-5 weeks in.
I’d only dropped 200grams but was also doing weights and must have replaced that fat with muscle. The pictures look more than a 200 gram loss.
I’m now pregnant with our third and final bubba for our family and am planning to buy some Healthy Mummy Smoothies now to put away for after the birth of bub. I will also be purchasing your new exercise DVD. Love your products and motivating posts on Facebook.
Kind regards Jess.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
Plus don’t forget to sign up for our Get Ready For Summer Challenge – it’s free and you can sign up here.
Click HERE to see our shop

Get Our Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD

And for a SAFE & EFFECTIVE Exercise DVD that supports your pelvic floor health get our DVD here
The DVD can be followed by all mums (for example new mums or mums with older children) and can be followed by someone with a basic or a more advanced level of fitness.
The six workouts are broken down into 10 and 15 minute sections that you can do when it suits you – or if you have the time and energy you can do the DVD as one 70 minute continuous workout. The Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD also covers special considerations post-birth, such as caesarean sections, back strains, muscle separation, incontinence and pelvic floor issues.
[pb_vidembed title=”The Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD” caption=”” url=”http://vimeo.com/73423922″ type=”vem” w=”600″ h=”455″]

The Workout Summary

  1. 15 Minute Low Impact cardio workout – The Low Impact Cardio routine will improve your fitness and energy levels, as well as burning calories, while avoiding stress on your body – in particular, your vulnerable pelvic floor. This workout will put you on the path to being a fitter, leaner and more energetic version of you.
  2. 15 Minute toning cardio workout – By combining a low impact cardio conditioning routine with light resistance training, this energetic workout will make your heart and lungs stronger while burning calories and toning your arms, legs and butt. This is a great addition to the low impact routine, or as a stand-alone cardio option with the added bonus of arm and leg toning.
  3. 10 Minute upper Body workout – Conditioning your upper body will not only have you feeling and looking stronger, it will provide postural strengthening to combat stress on your upper back. You will also benefit from increased muscle stamina and definition, allowing you to keep up with your little ones.
  4. 10 Minute Lower Body workout – Hone in on your butt and legs with this lower body strengthening workout. It will have you looking and feeling strong, toned and energised.
  5. 10 Minute Abs, Back & core workout – The abdominal, back and core muscles are at the centre of a healthy body. With these safe and effective exercises, you will improve your posture, help alleviate back pain and strengthen your pelvic floor while you regain your waist and condition your abs and back.
  6. 10 Minute Stretch & Relax- Lengthen your muscles and relax your mind and body as you calmly and quietly stretch your body, top to toe.

PLUS…See our special section covering all you need to know on special considerations post-birth, such as caesarean sections, back strains, muscle separation, incontinence and pelvic floor issues.

Questions & Answers

For all the commonly asked questions about exercise and the DVD including special post natal conditions, when you can start and exercises for tummy fat please click here