We’ve all been there. The alarm goes off at 6am or the partner gets home 30 minutes early, giving us the chance to strap on our sneakers or pop on our swimmers yet for some reason, half an hour later, we’re still at home/in bed.
Being a busy mum can make exercise a lot more difficult than it was before kids came on the scene, yet we all know how important it is for healthy, sustained weight loss. healthy_eating
It’s natural, when beginning a new routine or habit that we approach it with some trepidation. As humans, we are programmed to have some fear of the unknown, while living in today’s society heaps a whole lot of anxiety on top of that natural borne fear. Will we be any good at running/swimming/yoga? Will it be too hard? Will I fail completely and end up falling into a bag of Mars Bars on the way home to cushion the blow? These are all questions that crop up when embarking on the first steps of a new exercise program.
With the fear often comes excuses. We’ve all made them and know exactly what they look like. We make excuses as they make us feel a little bit better (and less guilty) about behaviour we know we shouldn’t be engaging in. For example, if we eat a piece of birthday cake for lunch, we’ll feel a whole lot better if we make the excuse that it was ‘XYZ’s birthday and we HAD to have a piece to be polite,’ as opposed to sitting with the uncomfortable realisation that we just really wanted the cake and would have eaten it anyway.
When it comes to exercise, there tends to be a group of tried and trued excuses that crop up regularly. Luckily there’s a way to neutralise these workout out saboteurs. By knowing in advance what your most used excuses are, you can find ways to challenge them (and knock them dead) before they really take hold.

Top 5 Tips to stop making excuses and start burning the calories.

Excuse 1: I’m too busy
Counter it with: While you may be busy, it’s important to schedule in time to work out. Pull out your diary/iPhone calender and work out EXACTLY when you can fit exercise in. Be creative. It might be before the kids get up, during nap time, after the kindy pick up or once the little ones are in bed. Set an alarm/sigh up for a class/share you plan with a loved one and stick to it.
Excuse 2: It’s too wet/cold/dark
Counter it with: Winter can be a tough time to get motivated. By stocking up on some warm new trackies, a water proof spray jacket and some kind of reflective clothing you’ll stop that way of thinking in its tracks.
Excuse 3 : I’m too tired
Counter it with: Unless you’re actually ill, there’s a good chance that as a busy mum, you’re always going to be a bit weary. Schedule in exercise for when you feel the most alert. First thing in the morning is good, and make sure you’re eating well to boost your energy levels.
Excuse 4: I’ll start next week
Counter it with: Next week is still a week away. Start now, as soon as the thought tried to persuade you otherwise. By this time next week you can have a full week’s worth of exercise under your belt.
Excuse 5: I’m not fit enough
Counter it with: The only way you’ll get fit enough is by taking the first step. Walk, don’t run to start out. Find a trainer or class for beginners where you’ll be supported and your achievements celebrated. Or get our new exercise DVD which can be done in your home and is broken down into 6 workouts which are 10 and 15 minutes long – you can see info on it below

Get Our Exercise DVD

And for the ULTIMATE SAFE, EFFECTIVE & TRUSTED Post Pregnancy Workout – see our EXPERT Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD below – you can purchase and see more information on it here
The DVD can be followed by all mums (for example new mums or mums with older children) and can be followed by someone with a basic or a more advanced level of fitness and burns approx 450 – 550 calories per hour.
Lisa Westlake is our incredible fitness instructor and postnatal exercise specialist throughout the DVD. With her extensive physiotherapy experience and qualifications (Lisa is one of the most awarded fitness professionals in Australia). (You can see our Q&A with Lisa with commonly asked questions on the DVD here)
The exercises in The Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD are effective and safe and Lisa will guide you through each of the workouts. As well as assisting in the improvement of your overall fitness levels, the workouts in the DVD will also help in the burning of calories, the improvement of your core strength and the strengthening of your pelvic floor.
The six workouts are broken down into 10 and 15 minute sections that you can do when it suits you – or if you have the time and energy you can do the DVD as one 70 minute continuous workout. The Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD also covers special considerations post-birth, such as caesarean sections, back strains, muscle separation, incontinence and pelvic floor issues.
[pb_vidembed title=”The Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD” caption=”” url=”http://vimeo.com/73423922″ type=”vem” w=”600″ h=”450″]
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans  offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout.
Click HERE to see our shop