Making your own protein snacks is a great way to save money as well as know exactly what is going into your protein and healthy eating snack.
Last week we brought you chickpea and chocolate chip protein cookies and this week we have gone for a nutty quinoa protein ball – we hope you enjoy!
We have also used dates in this protein snack recipe as they are super sweet, and are a brilliant way to make foods sweet without adding sugar, plus the quinoa is packed with protein.
- 1/3 cup quinoa, rinsed
- 2/3 cup water
- 16 whole pitted dates
- ½ cup raw almonds
- 1/3 cup crunchy natural peanut butter
- ¼ cup dark chocolate chips (can omit if you want to cut calories or add raisons)
- Place quinoa and water into a saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes until all of the water has been absorbed. Take off the heat and leave to sit for at least two hours in the fridge – you can also leave it overnight.
- Pulse the dates in a food processor until finely chopped. Add the almonds and pulse again and then add the quinoa mixture and peanut butter and pulse until the ingredients are finely chopped into each other and thoroughly combined.
- Fold in the dark chocolate chips. Roll the mixture into 12 balls and chill until firm.
Recipe makes 12 balls. Calories per serving (ball): 135, fat per serving (ball): 6.5g, protein per ball 6.9g
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