Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
This month we have Nicolene Gault on board as a Motivating Mum. Mum of two Nicolene has lost 7.5kg with Lose Baby Weight. Read her weight loss story below
My name is Nicolene and I am a mum of 2 daughters with having my newest addition 6 months ago by emergency C-section. I live in a small country town in the Kimberley of Western Australia- Kununurra.
Since having children I have seen my weight gradually increase over the years. I am an emotional eater and have tried many different weight loss diets in the past to only end up giving up after a couple weeks. After having my second daughter my self esteem was at its lowest ever and I decided I needed to do something about it.
I found Lose the Baby Weight while on Facebook one day and I started to read up on it and thought I would give it a try! I ordered the 28 Day Plan and some healthy mummy smoothie mix. I received the products in good time and I started on April 15th at a weight of 97.1kgs.
Since being on the Lose Baby Weight plans for the last couple of months I have lost a total of 7.5 kgs! I did this with regular exercise like walking and even while I breastfeeding – I love how the Lose Baby Weight are safe while breastfeeding. I had a couple of weeks where I was away on holidays and I actually managed to maintain my weight rather than put on!
I put this down to the education I am receiving while being on the Lose Baby Weight plan as I understand much better about portion sizes and eating lots of protein and fresh fruit and veggies and really thinking about what I put into my body. I have enjoyed trying some new foods as well, such as Quinoa.
For the month of July I would like to see me lose around a kilo per week and move from Obese into the overweight category. I have also signed up for a pram pushers class with a Personal Trainer here in town so trying out this new type of exercise will be a challenge for me as running scares me!
I hope that my story will be an inspiration to a lot of other mums out there that as hard as things may get it is you who are in control of your health. I hope I can motivate others out there to achieve their goals throughout this month!
I will try and give some great ideas on food and cooking healthy for the family as well and finding ways to make exercise more fun. I look forward to sharing my journey this month.
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
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