Week 9 has been a really busy week but it has been a good week. Kai is definitely going through a growth spurt and has put on 400g each week over the past 2 weeks and has two very lovely chubby cheeks to show for it!
He is still very erratic in his sleeping patterns and in the day time he just wants to be cuddled and won’t sleep in his cot but the good news for me was that in the night he was finally sleeping in his cot and getting into his own little routine of going to sleep at about 10.00pm then waking at 1.00am for some milk then back asleep until 4.00am at which point he wouldn’t go back into his cot and by that time I was so tired that I would let the little monkey sleep for another 2 hours in bed with me.
But this was good as it meant I was getting sleep – albeit it very broken – and for that I was very thankful for!  On some nights I would even hear him self-settling which I am now learning is the holy grail in baby sleep!
I also finally got around going to my local new mothers group this week and there were about 12 mums in the room who shared the issues that they were going through and it was relieving to hear that sleep issues and lack of any baby routine were a common occurance.
The Lose Baby Weight walking groups started up this week and I ran the Sydney Centennial Park one.  I decided to take the bus to the Park as the bus seemed like a good option with the pram – and it was, although the getting on and off with the pram took some getting used to as there is a big gap from the bus platform to the pavement..
The walk was great though and my legs really got a workout from pushing the pram and Kai only had a couple of crying fits at the beginning of the walk and settled down for the rest of it!  I also met some fabulous mums and got some great tips – my favourite being to roll a towel up and put it under Kai’s chest (so his arms hung over the rolled up towel) to make tummy time a lot better – which worked a treat and now his neck muscles are getting a good work out without all the tears!

So my exercise this week was good and the extra walking I did really made a big difference (I also did a few extra works with my hubby and dog in the park).
I also continued doing my vibration plate every day for ten minutes which I was now really feeling working on toning up my legs and improving my circulation in my whole body (the research shows that because of the speed and intensity of the vibrations your blood pumps around the body faster – and this is why it is thought to blast cellulite too which is stores of fat that is made worse from poor circulation).
I was also religiously doing my press ups which I can thoroughly recommend as a great weight loss secret as press ups work your chest area, your arms and your core and you can tone up really quickly from doing them and they help with the baby belly fat.
I was still doing my two smoothies a day but was often doing one for breakfast and dinner instead of breakfast and lunch as I had been out so much and my love for them was not slowing down! My favourite smoothie this week was an orange and mango smoothie – packed full of nutrition and super tasty!

  • 1 x cup of frozen mango cheeks
  • 1 x large orange
  • 1tbsp of chai seeds
  • 2 tbsp of smoothie mix
  • 1 x tbsp of psyllium hullks
  • 7 ice cubes
  • 100ml of rice millk and 100 ml of water

All blended together in my blender
I also decided to make a big pot of chilli on the weekend (from the Lose Baby Weight recipes) which could be used as my hubby and my dinner during the week as things were getting so hectic for me that the last thing I wanted to do in the evening was cook dinner and make more mess!
And I finished off the week with a takeaway on Saturday night and contrary to popular belief take outs can be healthy if you are sensible – we got a selection from Wagga Mammas which included chilli and garlic edamme (very good for health and metabolism), chicken terryaki, steamed rice, steamed veggies and beef salad with chilli and ginger and it was delicious!!
And my dedication during the week was rewarded with my Sunday weigh in and a 500g loss which I am very pleased about and if I can do that next week as well I will be very happy!