Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way.
If you’d like to become our Motivating Mum for the month click here to find out more (we pay you for it too!).
This month we have Sophie Violi on board as a Motivating Mum. Mum of two Sophie has already seen results from her new eating and exercise regimen – Sophie has lost 9.8kg – and is doing her best to keep you all as motivated as she is!
‘Hi mummies,
One thing I cannot believe since starting this Lose Baby Weight journey, is how much I have learnt.
I have gained so much knowledge about food, nutrition, exercise and how it all works together. Just like clockwork.
Last week I was stagnant with my weight loss and at a standstill as to why. I was exercising so hard 6 days per week, but not getting the right results, because my diet let me down.
Well this week was the complete opposite.
I was only able to train for 3 days last week due to recovering from some minor surgery. So it was more important to be extra careful with my diet as I knew I was not going to be able to exercise so much.
I was eating more clean raw foods, cut out white pasta, bread and rice and ate wholemeal. I also ate more grains, beans, tuna and muesli/oats.
I was amazed to see I was able to have a small weight loss even though I cut back on my exercise for the week.
It has taken me a little longer than expected to move the weight to be in the “85kg” bracket. But I have finally got there and will be detailed in my blog next week.
Since starting Motivating Mum for the month of June, I have lost 3kg and the centimetres are counting up.
Since starting the Lose Baby Weight healthy mummy smoothies and 28 Day Plan in March 2013 my total loss is 9.8kg in weight and 34cm!
I am excited and a step closer to reach my goal of doing an RPM class at the end of the month.
Another thing I have noticed is how quickly your fitness level can increase and decrease very quickly.
Only 1 month ago I could not swim 2 laps without stopping and gasping for air. Now I am swimming for 45min non-stop.
I tried a new recipe from the Lose Baby Weight site, Healthy Carrot Cake Muffins, filled with banana, dates, walnuts and almond meal. They were absolutely amazing, and I will be definitely baking them again soon.
My journey has not only been about weight loss. It has been an ongoing education, being able to identify and suppress my own doubts and exceed expectations on what I am capable of.
I have found that I am a stronger mother, wife, daughter, friend and person. Things have just fallen into place.
My measurements from last week:
- Weight 86.2 loss of 400 grams
- Thighs same
- Bust same
- Waist down 1cm
- Thighs down 2cm
My goals for this week is to:
- Maintain my workouts at 60 min
- Eat and experiment with more clean raw foods
- Drink more water
- Undertake some daily exercises at home, by way of squats and hand weights
I’m looking forward to writing next week’s blog!’
– Sophie Violi
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
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