Motivating mum Kat Brown has been using the Lose Baby Weight plans and 28 Day Challenges for the past 19 months and today she has sent in an update of her progress, take it away Kat!
” Hi my name is Kat and I am a mum to 4 kids under 6. I work full-time from home and am a FIFO (fly in fly out) wife so life is always SUPER busy!
I have been following the Lose Baby Weight plans for the past 19 months and I have lost an incredible 27kg’s and have gone from a sz 14-16 to a sz6.

My journey began with losing 20kg and getting to a sz10 in the first 6 months but after that my weightloss slowed right down and the scales were not my friend. I chose not to believe what the scales were telling me after reading some fantastic advice here. Instead I chose to go by measurements and how my clothes were fitting.
It took me 13 months to lose 7kg! BUT I went from a big sz 10 to a sz6!! So even though I have not yet reached my “weightloss” goal- I have achieved my clothes size goal and i am SUPER PROUD of myself
I have achieved so much in the past 19 months and it has all been thanks to Lose Baby Weight and there easy to follow family friendly plans and 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.
I set myself several SMART goals to keep myself focused on fitness (instead of weightloss) and that really helped get me to where i am now. Taking the pressure off myself and not believing what the scales were telling me was the best choice i could have ever made!
I have come along way from where I was 19 months ago, I was depressed, my marriage was falling apart due to my lack of self confidence and I was SO LAZY.  Now my marriage is the best it has ever been, for the first time in my life I am confident and proud of how I look and I have completed my first Half Marathon (21.1km)
If you are hesitating on starting the Lose Baby Weight plans– dont’t! It will be the best decision that you can make for yourself.  And if you need more convincing you can see 100’s of other mums success stories here.
Stay happy and healthy
Kat xxx”
28 day challenge

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