Motivating Mum Hayley Lloyd has lost an incredible 19kgs with Lose Baby Weight and shares her goals for February.
I cannot believe it is already February, January and the 28 Day Challenge flew by. I loved the Challenge and am especially looking forward to the March one. I have never tried Pilates before so I am looking forward to giving that a go! I lost 2.9kgs and 11.5cm throughout the Challenge which I am extremely pleased with!
I struggled towards the end of the Challenge as myself and my son were both struck down with a virus, but that’s okay. It is okay to take it easy when you need to, you really just need to listen to your body – it will tell you what it needs.
I am starting February off by using the Junk Food Detox EBook, so far I am impressed and I know my partner is looking forward to trying the “KFC” Chicken. I am also ditching all forms of measurement this month. I normally weigh and measure weekly and take photos every few weeks but lately I have noticed my mood has been too controlled by the numbers I am seeing.
I am by no means a daily weigher, but I would have sneaky weigh ins throughout the week. I was beginning to get really hung up on the scales, it was all I could think about. I was starting to define myself as the number I saw and I was ignoring everything else. So I weighed in, measured and took photos on the 2nd February for the last time until 2nd March.
This month I will be focusing on being healthy and improving my fitness. I have a goal to be able to run around our local lake/walking park which is around 5-6km. I am also participating in the Tone Your Butt and Thigh Challenge and am hoping it will help tone up my thighs and lift my butt. I want to focus on just being healthy and not losing weight.
I don’t want to be defined by a number anymore. Yes I still have weight to lose and yes getting to my goal weight is still extremely important to me but if I just focus on being healthy; on eating right and exercising then I will lose weight.
Weighing myself and focusing on the scales I found myself only focusing on the end result, I found myself becoming impatient. I need to take a step back and get back to enjoying this journey. I have learnt so much about myself and I have unlocked so many hidden passions during this journey and those are the things I need to focus on!
There is so much more to losing weight than just watching the numbers go down. I want my focus now to be on the endorphin rush I get when I run a personal best, the high I feel when people tell me how great I am looking, the energy I have from fueling myself with nutritious and wholesome food and the pride I feel when I fit into smaller clothes.
So ladies I challenge you to put those scales away, stop focusing on a numeric value and instead focus on things that actually matter – don’t let the number on the scales define who you are, instead let your choices define you. You are more than just a number, ladies you need to empower yourself and compliment yourself – you are your biggest cheerleader!
I am an incredible mother and a sexy wife-to-be and I will become fit, strong and lean! I am not just a number and I will never let myself think like that ever again.
Hayley xx
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