Motivating Mum Cassandra Davidson shares her top tips with Lose Baby Weight.
Hey all! I am Cassie.
Thank you for having me yet again as a Motivating Mum!
I want to share a little bit about my last month with you.
Throughout October I was a Motivating Mum. It felt incredible to motivate those by sharing my story ~ the journey I begun 6yrs ago. The one that turned my life completely around. It helped me stay focused & I felt like a role model to some. Having people watch you makes your drive to achieve, just that little bit harder!
I stuck to my meal plans 100% throughout September Challenge; lost lots of cms & 3kgs in total. Throughout October I made a meal plan that was a combination of July & Sept’s challenges. I lost cms again, but fluctuated between 1-1.5kgs up & down the whole month…
Then the countdown to the new November Challenge had begun, so I decided to ask to stay on as a Motivating Mum!
I started to prep for the next round, mentally & physically.
Got geared up, made my pledge etc.
Well I started the first week; head strong & ate according to my meal plan. Lost 1.1kgs ~ and cms too!!!
Got up 5-6 mornings that week at 6/6:15 like I pledged to have “my time” & would go for a walk/jog (if I could manage to jog, which sadly isn’t as often as I’d like)…
Then, the second week hit me. And by hit me; I mean knocked me flat. Like I was run over by a train….
I am going through a settlement claim currently for a severe car accident that I was in over 3.5yrs ago. I had a assessment, yet another one for the insurance company. Well to put it out there, without disclosing details. It went absolutely horrible. I have been dealing with huge levels of anxiety & stress & my emotions have been running out of control.
At the time, I was able to totally consume myself the following day with planning & prepping for my girls bday party that coming Saturday. (Just 4 days away)!!!
Awesome! Exactly what I needed… Good ol’ distraction.
For that entire week, I was getting up early to walk, attending my PT sessions 2-3x a week & still having my morning Healthy Mummy Smoothie, then usually a small piece of fruit, something for lunch that wasn’t on my exact plan but I think generally it was something I had taken from part of the challenge somewhere or just tweaked a little with what I had as I was often at my sisters prepping with her… then I found the stress was causing me to barely want to eat, so I was skipping things (sometimes lunch too) then binge eating at dinner; or not wanting to eat at all… thankfully hubby was cooking the Lose Baby Weight dinners, I was just eating a bit more than I’m meant to some nights or struggling to eat at all.
But then came the last two prep nights for the girls party & I put a bit of KFC in my mouth with my friends who were helping me out. I felt instantly SOOOO GUILTY & DISGUSTING! I didn’t eat much, but that wasn’t the point…I ate a yiros the next night… THEN!… our car broke down! Adding to the ridiculous existing stress…
Well a days break came as we had our girls joint birthday party; safe to say I ate NOTHING bad! Smoothie for brekki & fruit while I set up. I was so busy talking to family & kiddies parents that I managed to avoid being around the table (& having over 35 kids at the party, no leftovers occurred)… Well other than cake! So yep I had small bits of that the following 3 days!
But then been off most foods some days, then other days not making the best choices as I haven’t been eating enough or I eat a small bit of not so good stuff & not much else. It’s been all over the place really…
Then the aftermath of the party set in. Exhaustion, and lots of mess!
During this time, I’ve persisted with walking in the mornings because it has become my escape, for 45 minutes I listen to loud music & shut away my problems!
I guess what I’m getting to is;
I was feeling horrible; stressed & overwhelmed… & soreness that I struggle to escape!
Something that’s incredibly hard to live with some days.
I felt like my commitment to the challenge let myself down because unlike last month,I had not been on the forefront posting a million amazing posts, posting my meals (because they’ve been lacking). I hadn’t been smoothie exploring {was sticking to my faves} & I wasn’t losing any further kgs {I am yet to weigh in after 2wks of avoiding the scales}.
I have lost a great amount of cms this month {and will update weight when I get on those scales}.
I was hoping for a big 5kgs loss over this challenge, but given life’s circumstances, I think I’m ok with what I still managed to achieve.
One thing I have learnt though, and this is my Motivating Mum tip.
Life sometimes gets in the way. And most often, it is out of your hands to control. It is about how you deal with it & how you choose to pick yourself up during hard times & after they have passed.
Although a couple of times my food has let me down; & at times I’ve let my emotions consume me, I’ve stayed committed to walking. That is a big deal. Why? Because I stayed commited to something & didn’t let myself just give up! I’ve accepted I am human & that during tough times, you are still important.
You have to find your inner strength because no one can hand that to you.
You also have to find what works FOR YOU! It might inspire others; or help others to think about making changes for their lives. But do it for you. And let the inspiration speak for itself.
If you strive only to prove a point to someone, or only to want to motivate others; sometimes you can lose sight of your inner purposes. Mine; living a healthy lifestyle along with my hubby & our girls. My husband has been constantly incredible throughout all things.
Push on, and it’s ok to have a week or two or maybe even 3… where things COMPLETELY TOTALLY & UTTERLY SUCK!!!! But pick yourself back up, as soon as you can.
At this stage; I can’t fix some of my issues. I am living with injuries. But I am me, no one else.
I choose to make healthy choices & I choose to still be a positive role model to my 3 girls & live a healthy lifestyle.
Heck, some days it sucks & seems like the hardest thing in the world. Is it worth it?
I am going to finish this last week 100% committed!
At this stage, I am planning on re-doing the November Challenge throughout December & will be VERY aware around Christmas {thank you Lose Baby Weight for the new cookbook/tips for Christmas time}!
To finish, a BIG thank you Lose Baby Weight for changing so much of my mindset. And for making it so much easier to stay focussed & commited when there is such an easy way to do it all. Your program has incredible depth of information which I am amazed at just how much I learnt & live out every day. Thank you for the amazing support networks & constant feedback & emails filled with tips & recipes. If you are not already a member, PLEASE join the group of incredible ladies over on the Lose Baby Weight Healthy Mummy support page & also be sure to subscribe to the emails. Some days they are the motivation to get me out of bed in the morning!
Love you all! And although I’ve shed many tears this past week or two {& yep, I have let myself get upset when I’ve seen some of your incredible progress this month, (some of you are ROCKING IT) ~ I am SUPER proud of all of you!!!!!
Instead of letting myself fill with jealously, I’ve stood back, let it sink in hard & then worked out why it had upset me… I’m doing the same thing, I’m on my journey ~ it is just slower & different. Why? Because it’s my journey & that’s your journey.
We need that help & encouragement & support.
Just remember, at the end of the day; you are the driver & make the choices on which path to continue along. So think hard about where you want to be going… Maybe it is time to make some changes too.
I look forward to smashing this week out in the kitchen! And controlling my emotions.
And hopefully reaching at least half way to my goal of losing 5kgs this Challenge.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read!
Love you all times a million!
Cassie XX MWAH ❤️
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