A massive thank you to motivating mum Lauren Kolstad for sending in this super yummy Caramel Latte Smoothie recipe.
” This smoothie is great for those mornings when you’re feeling like a bit of a treat with a coffee hit!


  • 250ml unsweetened almond and coconut milk (but you can use any milk and adjust calories are needed)
  • 2tbsp chocolate Healthy Mummy smoothie mix
  • 1 shot of coffee (or tsp of instant)
  • 2 mejool dates
  • 1 tbsp coconut


  • Pour the shot of coffee – I use a coffee pod and then pop it into the fridge to cool while I get the rest of the ingredients out, by then its cool enough to use, you could also use instant and just add a teaspoon or two (depending on how strong you like your coffee) directly into the mix
  • Blend all ingredients very well (at least 3min) to break up the dates
  • ** Optional** -You can add 1/4 avocado or 1/4 frozen banana to make it more creamy (this will increase the calories by about 80cals)

Serves 1
380 Calories per serve
And you can see Lauren’s amazing progress here
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