Hi, my name is Kat Brown and I have been following the Lose Baby Weight healthy eating plans for the past 12 months and have lost 23kg and have totally changed my life for the better.You can read my latest update here.
Today I am sharing my 5 tips on how to keep you motivated, on track or to break that repetitive cycle:
Be Kind to Yourself
This is number one on my list as I know that as mothers we are often putting ourselves down and putting everyone else before us.
I know that I often put myself down for not getting the 50 million things on my list done each day! SO that is why is it so important that we need to be kind to ourselves.
Remember that it doesn’t matter if we didn’t get that workout in or the floors cleaned, some days are harder than others and as long as we try that’s all that matters
Be Prepared
Life can get so busy and I find that when I have food pre-prepared I can stay on track alot easier, think meals in the freezer for those ” hard to cook” nights. Also around that time of the month I can feel myself starting to stray so being well prepared is a must for me. I do a big cook-up of some healthy treats from the Guilt Free Cookbook so that they are on hand and ready to pull out when I need them.
Try Something New
Trying something new can help to get you out of your comfort zone in a good way!! Maybe try a new food each week that you think you don’t like or have never had before. You could also try a new exercise like the Healthy Mummy DVD. This works for me and always feels like a nice change and can help to break that repetitive cycle.
Set Achievable Goals
For me this is a must! I am always setting myself achievable goals to help to keep myself focused and on track. They are not always weightloss related as I find that when they are I get very obsessed about it all. You could make yourself a “motivation station” and put it up somewhere around the house that you will see it regularly. You try setting yourself some fitness goals or parenting goals; all will keep you on track and very focused!
Reward Yourself
When staying on track and achieving your goals it is often a good idea to give yourself a big pat on the back or a special something for all your hard work!! This can be a new haircut, new clothes or even a relaxing bubble bath once the kids are in bed! You can see some more in-expesnive ways to reward yourself here
I hope that some of these tips help to get you back on track
Stay happy and healthy xoxo
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
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