Well it is officially December. The month where we all often over indulge. And all too often we gain weight and live to regret it in January!
So this December, we thought we would try something a little different. And this FREE challenge is great to do in combination with our 28 Day Challenges (P.S Jan early bird 33% discount is NOW LIVE) or if you just fancy giving your diet an overall and reducing your sugar intake
And we are also celebrating our Healthy Mummy Smoothies being 96% sugar free and 100% fructose free – you can read about this here
Instead, we thought we would run a very simple REDUCE SUGAR DECEMBER CHALLENGE – and you can jump STRAIGHT to it here to download your FREE Challenge Reduce Sugar PDF if you don’t want to read the information below
And the reason being is that as most people probably know – we all eat too much processed sugar. And in December, it seems to appear everywhere as indulgent foods and drinks go into overdrive and we go into sugar highs and lows virtually every day!
So, we thought, what better time than to do a Challenge, that shows everyone that it doesn’t have to be boring to eat healthily and you can still reduce sugar and eat yummy foods.
Plus did you know that reducing processed sugars in your diet is a great way to lose weight, lose tummy fat and have extra energy – so jump on board with us this December – it won’t be hard and it will open your eyes to so many facts and raise your awareness of foods you and your family should avoid.
How will the December Reduce Sugar Challenge work?
Firstly, let’s clear up a few things.
We are not talking about natural sugars. The sugars we want you to reduce is the processed and added sugars found in all the foods you eat.
We don’t want you to start worrying about natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables for example.
You can jump STRAIGHT to it here to download your FREE Challenge Reduce Sugar PDF
Do you need to count how much sugar you have per day?
Not at all
This is an awareness campaign and challenge. Once you start using our comparison charts and learning about all the ways to reduce your sugar intake you will be amazed at the ways you can drastically change your diet
We believe in having a positive relationship with food and we don’t want you to have to start counting sugar grams like you may count calories.
Our aim for this is to try and encourage you to reduce your processed sugar intake not eliminate all sugar from your diet
What’s the recommended amount of sugar to have per day?
The current recommendations from the World Health Organisation are currently at 10% of your total diet (but they are considering lowering this to 5% – but there is no confirmation on this yet)
Why should I try to reduce my sugar intake?
If you are interested in having more energy, sleeping better, improving your general health, and losing weight (especially from the stomach area), reducing your sugar intake can help.
Don’t worry – we’re not suggesting that you start obsessively counting grams of sugar. We just want you to become more educated on where sugar can be lurking and then find healthy and tasty alternatives. It’s the added sugar most notably found in processed foods, or added in cooking that we want to help you to reduce.
We believe that it’s about reducing your consumption of processed foods and upping your healthy food intake. You can get your sugar fix from natural foods such as fruit, honey, vegetables and dairy products.
December is a tough month – there are holidays, Christmas, New Years, parties, get togethers, and a thousand temptations everywhere you turn. This is not a suggestion to cut out all sugars – it’s more about reducing it where you can but still enjoying it when you choose to, in the best way to support your weight loss goals.
You can jump STRAIGHT to it here to download your FREE Challenge Reduce Sugar PDF
How much sugar are you having each day?
It’s not just the sugar you might add to your tea that you need to count here. The sugar in your jam, muffin, dates, orange juice, pizza, muesli bar, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, dips, sweets, chocolate – it all quickly adds up.
What about artificial sweeteners?
At the moment not a lot is known about the long term effects of sweeteners such as Splenda- but there is much worrying research on it. For the month of December, try your best to give them the flick too (as they are a processed food) and see if you can retrain your taste buds to enjoy food and drinks without it.
How do you read labels to work out the sugar content?
Check out the ‘per 100g’ column on products as this will give you the sugars as a percentage of the total product (no matter how much of it you are consuming). As a starting point, 4g of sugar is roughly one teaspoon of sugar.
So when we see that BBQ sauce contains 45.4g of sugar per 100g, that means that 45% of the sauce is sugar. To put it another way, in every tablespoon of BBQ sauce there are 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Is sugar even added to healthy foods?
Sugar is in a significant amount of foods that you can buy from the supermarket.
Any claims on a packet such as containing wholegrains, being fat free, having extra vitamins or minerals, or even having a healthy sounding name can still mean that the product is packed with the white stuff. It can also come with additives, preservatives, fat and salt.
You can jump STRAIGHT to it here to download your FREE Challenge Reduce Sugar PDF
How can the Challenge help?
Our team have put together an information guide plus lots of charts for you to print off and stick on the fridge with some of the commonly used foods and their sugar content.
This way, you can become more informed and educated on your own choices you make and can then consciously REDUCE your own sugar in take in December
This isn’t an exhaustive list ofcouse, but hopefully it will get you thinking!
We will also be posting lots of information over December to further help you and running Reduce Sugar Challenge competitions over the month to get you involved
And of course, all our 28 Day Challenge recipes and recipes in our Guilt Free Chocolate Cookbook, our Summer Cookbook and Christmas Cookbook don’t use any white processed sugar so these are great tools to use to show you and your family how you can make healthy and yummy recipes without having high sugar content in your meals.
And if you are a fan of our smoothies you will be pleased to know that we have been working hard to further reduce the sugar content in our formula and they are now 96% sugar free and 100% fructose free – you can read all about this here.
You can jump STRAIGHT to it here to download your FREE Challenge Reduce Sugar PDF