Every month, a mum who is on the Lose Baby Weight plans will be writing about their journey, exercise, ups and downs and will be here to help motivate YOU and THEMSELVES along the way – and if you want to become our Motivating Mum for one month see here on how you can enter (we pay you for it too!).
And in April our Motivating Mum of the Month and taking up the challenge to motivate you has been Janet Cook – see Janet’s FINAL MOTIVATING post below – and well done Janet on another great weight loss week – bringing her total to 15.6kg overall since being on the Lose Baby Weight plans – WELL DONE Janet!
Janet’s Final Weigh In
Hi mums,
Well April is over and so is my time as Motivating Mum of the Month! I have really enjoyed this experience and I am so excited about the positive effect it’s had on my life. The challenge motivated me to stick to the 28 day diet and exercise plan, with one healthy mummy smoothie per day.
As a result, I had a number of achievements this month:
– Reached pre-baby weight!
– Now in the healthy BMI range
– Lost another 5.6 kilos bringing me to a total of 15.6kilos lost with the Lose Baby Weight plans
– Greatly increased my fitness and now jog 6km at least twice per week
– I feel great!!
On the last day of the month I went for a jog and reflected on the past few weeks. I have stayed focused but also have been flexible at times. This isn’t a crash diet- it’s a lifelong change to be healthier.
I still went out for lunch with friends and even attended a cake-and-coffee night! I have the ingrained habit now of planning ahead so when I knew I would have cake that night, I had a salad for tea. When I go out for lunch, I google the restaurant menu and decide what I’ll be having ahead of time so I make a healthy choice. I fit in exercise wherever I can- no excuses for slacking off!
The best thing about the 28 day plan is the variety. Before this, I had never cooked with chillies, coriander, quinoa, salmon or most ingredients on the plan! But my husband and I love these new ingredients and we have decided that we will continue to eat these healthy meals during the week and then just be moderately healthy on weekends.
He is very different to me, being a 6ft 5 and slim tradesman, but he loved the meals and just had extra snacks after dinner. While he was mostly healthy, One night he actually ate an entire box of Roses chocolates right next to me and I didn’t eat a single one! In the past this would have seemed like torture but this time it wasn’t.
I wasn’t hungry and I didn’t need to eat. I value my body more now than ever. If I LOVE an amazing food- I’ll eat it on a special occasion. Food is fuel for our bodies. Treats are meant to be enjoyed occasionally. If we treat ourselves everyday we are missing the pure enjoyment of working hard for something then slowly enjoying every bite!
I have started to love cooking and experimenting with different flavors. The healthy mummy smoothies have been fun, mixing in different ingredients and creating new recipes.
I have also started to really love my exercise! I cannot believe that I- ME- am running 6kms! I have never been able to achieve this before in my life and it’s all down to persistence. When I get tired I try to jog a little bit longer. The strength exercises in the 28day plan also make me feel stronger and less prone to injury. I spent yesterday afternoon checking out which fun runs I’m going to sign up for! This is a new me!
I still have 4- 6kgs to go until I reach my goal weight- I’m happy to sit anywhere between 65-67kgs. I will achieve this by using the tools and recipes from the 28day plan and Lose Baby Weight website, and having a healthy mummy smoothie when time is short. I’ll make sure I continue to build on my fitness by timing my runs and challenging myself to get faster. I’ll also be signing up for fun-runs as extra motivation.
Lose Baby Weight actually pay you to be the Motivating Mum of the Month! My voucher will be tucked away safely until I reach my goal weight. When this happens I will do a day trip up to Melbourne to buy a fancy pair of jeans! Jeans shopping is normally one of the most traumatic experiences for me but this will be different because I will feel amazing! I already feel great- I can’t wait to feel even better!
Thanks so much to Lose Baby Weight for the weight loss tools they have made available for us mums- we are so lucky! The support from other mums on the Facebook page has also been amazing and has definitely made this easier.
You will see me again when I’ve reached my goal weight- but in the meantime I am so excited to continue to follow your progress and see the great results you all achieve!
Janet’s Final Words of Advice!
My advice is stolen from Lose Baby Weight: “A year from now you will wish you had started today”.
-Don’t wait, start NOW
-If you have a ‘bad’ morning, have a ‘healthy’ afternoon.
-Keep active- It will make you feel stronger and make healthy eating easier.
-Measure your results and use the Lose Baby Weight free weight loss tracker. This way you can look back at how far you’ve come and be proud of yourself. If you take a photo this is even more effective and you can then also share your story with the rest of us!
-Keep healthy food available at all times! Have a small container of nuts or fruit in your bag. Don’t have junk food in the house. If you feel peckish, start with a cup of tea and if you’re still hungry then have a healthy snack. Our bodies need fuel to work properly.
My results this month:
- Weight: – 5.6kgs
- Bust: – 1.5cm
- Waist: – 14cm
- Hips: -4.5cm
- Thighs: – 4.5cm
My results since beginning with Lose Baby Weight:
- Weight: -15.6kgs
- Bust: – 6.5cm
- Waist: – 28cm
- Hips: -12cm
- Thighs: – 9cm
If you want to become our Motivating Mum next month see here on how you can enter (we pay you for it too!).
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
Click HERE to see our shop