As 2016 is now here you may have decided to commit to a healthier way of living and to losing weight, but there may also be a voice in your head asking ‘why this time will be different?”

And you are right in thinking why will this time be different as three in four people end up giving up on their new year resolutions within the first few weeks.

So if you are following our healthy mummy and lose baby weight plans here are the reasons why this time IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT!!!


  1. Get support! On our plans you have support from 1,000’s of other mums. Join the private support group with over 10,000 mums and be motivated and inspired by other mums JUST LIKE YOU getting healthy in 2015.
  2. Make it REALISTIC. Don’t set unachievable goals that in 2 weeks time will seem so far away that you will give up on them. Instead set easy to achieve and realistic goals like 4kg in 4 weeks then another 4kg in another 4 weeks and so on. See tips on goal setting here
  3. Don’t starve yourself. So often people start a weight loss plan and think that by really cutting back on calories it will aid weight loss – this can be one of the worst things you can do!. You can read all about this myth here
  4. Don’t cut out food groups. It is very common for people to start diets that advocate cutting out entire food groups then for you to feel deprived/grumpy/tired as your body begins to need the other foods. Instead of following fad diets that are not sustainable – or healthy – choose a balanced approach (such as our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge) that is healthy and sustainable and that includes all food groups.
  5. Don’t feel like you have to go to the gym every day or do hours of exercise. Exercise is  responsible for approximately 70% of weight loss and all forms are great to do for your health, wellness and weight loss. And if you can just manage a walk every day then this is great. If you can do more then go for it. Do what you can but don’t pressure yourself. Make it fun and remember incidental exercise counts so move as much as you can and sit less.
  6. Do a motivation board. Motivation is so important. You can start off on day 1 feeling super motivated but on day 5 you may have been up all night with your kids, or have a bad case of PMT or have had a row with a family member – all of which can send your motivation crashing and send you running for the biscuit tin. So having a motivation board to turn to when this happens is a great idea – you can see how to make your own here – plus of course jump on the private group for support if this happens too
  7. Plan ahead. No matter how good your intentions are, the fact of life is that at some point during the week you will get tired. And when this happens if you are not prepared you can easily end up turning to junk food in your brain the thought of cooking may seem like too much hard work. So pre preparing food is your BEST FRIEND. You can use spare time to make double batches of meals to freeze. You can make healthy snack bars or cookies, you can pre chop up veg and you can have a healthy mummy smoothie if lunch or brekkie is just too much work to do. Plus try doing online shopping so your food is delivered to your door so you always have fresh food – which is a great idea if you are too busy with the kids to get out to the shops
  8. Read the real life and real mum stories from mums – JUST LIKE YOU who have lost their weight and who share their stories along the way – you can read them here.

2015 can and will be different – and you can do it
And we are here to help you every step of the way

Where to start with your weight loss

If you have just found the Lose Baby Weight and Healthy Mummy website and products and are not sure where to start or the best place to look for information – this is a good place to start

Help to get started

1) What do we offer? We offer a whole range of products and plans and it really depends on what works best for you and your lifestyle. 
In summary our 2 BEST SELLING and most popular weight loss tools are
1) The 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge
2) The Healthy Mummy Smoothies
Lots of mums like to combine to two together for best results and more flexibility but lots of mums just do either or as well – it is what about will work for you and your lifestyle

Which one should I do?

The 28 Day Challenge give you full meal plans for every day of the week, over 1,600 recipes and daily exercise routines
The Challenge is easy to follow and AWESOME but lots of mums combine the challenge with our smoothies too as it is inevitable that on some days you have no time to cook some of the meals or you are too tired – the smoothies are fantastic here as they ensure you keep on track.
But some mums just like to do smoothies for pure convenience and just have an evening dinner – the choice is yours.
Either way you can get HUGE savings on the 28 Day Challenge here and on The Healthy Mummy Smoothies here
We also have over 20 various recipe books, our Exercise DVD and the singlets we do.
You can also fill out our FIND A PLAN page here for extra help 

Common Questions

Q.Are the Healthy Mummy Smoothies different to other shakes? 
A.Yes they are. They are free of weight loss accelerants. Are a natural and whole food product which are non processed and non refined. They contain no caffeine, no fillers, no artificial sweetener and are high in fibre and protein and contain no added sugar or fructose – and safe for use in breastfeeding – you can see a comparison to other brands here 
Q. What is the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge? 
A. It is an online Challenge that runs every month. It is a full and comprehensive 28 day meal plan and exercise plan with full and daily support. You complete the challenge with 1,000’s of other mums all doing it at the same time and each challenge has brand new recipes and exercises to follow. All information is here 
Q.How Many Calories Do I need? 
A. This is a very common question and it can confuse people. Read all you need to know about calories here 
Q. Can I Work out my BMR. 
A. Although we do not advocate strict calorie counting (it becomes restrictive and hard to stick to) it is good to have a rough idea of how many calories your body needs every day. You can use our BMR calculator here
Q. Can I Track my progress? 
A. Yes you can. Use our free weight loss tracking system which lets you monitor your daily exercise, measurements and weight – and which will keep you motivated as the weeks pass by. – register here 
Q. Can I see results from other mums?. 
A. Read about women who have overcome their struggles and lost – click here to see stories 
Q. Need help to set yourself mini goals and challenges? 
A. See our advice here on how to set goals 
Q. Want to lose tummy fat?. 
A. Then join our 28 Day Challenge as the next round is the BELLY BUSTER round
Q. Have you had a C-Section?
A. See advice on exercise here 
Q Can I use in Breastfeeding? 
A. Yes you can – you can see all breastfeeding information here 
Need to contact us? Email us on [email protected] or call us on 1300 301 172
And you can see the full range of products in our shop here
Or you can join the challenge directly here

Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge

Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots more results and you can join here too
Megan Lost 18kgs* with the 28 Day Challenges

Megan says: “I have been on the Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Challenges for nearly 12 months. In that time I have lost 18kgs* but the confidence and happiness I have gained is so much more. The anxiety that used to rule my life barely exists anymore. 
The 28 Day Challenges have been amazing for our family. The customise tool is the best. So easy to use and there are so many recipes you would be crazy not to find something you love. I find a new favourite meal every week!! 
They are quick and easy. I am very far from a good cook but these meals are so easy even I can cook them. And the best part of all is no need to make separate meals because they are husband and child friendly!!!”
The EXCELLENT news is that that next 28 day weight loss challenge is the BELLY BUSTER CHALLENGE and this is a sure fire way to tone your tummy and lose stomach fat

Lauren Breedt has lost an incredible 46kgs* and her “overhang” using the 28 Day Weight Loss Plans.
jade shaw
Jade Shaw has used the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges to lose 30kgs* and eliminate her excess tummy fat.
weight Loss
Nicole Daniels‘ “overhang” is non-existent after losing 27kgs* on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges
Tamara Deborah lost 35kgs*and countless cm’s from her tummy using the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and Healthy Mummy Smoothies.
Lose Baby Weight-20k Loss
Stacey Chisholm has lost 21kg* and her ‘overhang’. Stacey says “I love it how I have found a program that works for me! Lose Baby Weight has given me my confidence back!! I never thought there was so much support around until I met everyone on the same journey”
To join these inspirational women, along with thousands of other mums on our next 28 Day Weight  Challenge, you can sign up here today.