Beth Henke has lost an amazing 18kgs and her husband 10kgs following the Lose Baby Weight Plans. Now Beth is a Motivating Mum for November and is ready to tackle the 28 Day Challenge!
Hello all you fabulous, amazing Mummas!

My name is Beth and I am extremely delighted to be one of your Motivating Mums this month.

I started using the 28 Day Diet and Exercise Plan at the end of June this year, weighing in at 99.1kgs and 169cm tall. I have, since then lost 18kgs and my husband, who also needed to lose some weight, has lost 10kgs. He decided to support me and join in and we have done both the July and September 28 Day Challenges and cannot wait to start the November one!

My children are 5 years old and 18month b/g twins and I decided it was the right time to take back control of my life. Even though I was still breastfeeding the twins, I would be starting to wean them soon.

Today I want to tell you about how much Lose Baby Weight has changed our lives. I’m not a sales person, I don’t get paid to sell Lose Baby Weight products. I tell people about it because it works.

Between the hard copy books, challenges and ebooks, I have learnt portion control, cooking family favorites in a healthy way, how much I need to eat vs how much my husband needs to eat. I’ve learnt to love exercising and that it doesn’t have to be long and tedious, I can do a few segments from the Lose Baby Weight Healthy Mummy Post Pregnancy Exercise DVD throughout the day when I want and still get everything else done. I have learnt how to organise myself better as far as meal planning,  prepping, exercising, study times etc. Most of all I have learnt to love me again.


Before Lose Baby Weight I hated myself, I hated how I looked, felt,  acted, everything. But then once I started this lifestyle change I realised I had spent the past 6 years putting my family before me and forgot about me in the process. Lose Baby Weight has helped me learn to prioritise and that I am just as important as my family. That my kids will learn from me, so I need to set a good example to help them be the healthiest happiest little people they can be.

There is never a better time then right now to change, there is a way with this program to help everyone,  even if you are time or financially poor. The support group on Facebook is there also to help you make the change and pick you up when you fall. But you have to want it.

We become Motivating Mums to help you get inspired to be motivating yourselves, so I hope somehow through the month I can help do that for you.

To those starting the November 28 day challenge,  let’s smash this!!

To those that haven’t, make sure you are there with us next time!!

Till next time,

Beth Henke xo

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