Today’s winning Instagram has been sent in by Shona Farenhorst (@2013stf83), and is her own version (with lots of extra raspberries) of the Lose Baby Weight apple and blueberry loaf recipe that we posted back in May – check out the recipe here. It’s totally delish and feels like a treat, even though it’s a really healthy recipe that fits in perfectly with our Lose Baby Weight plans and can help you on your way to your goal weight.

Shona has really been cooking up a storm using the Lose Baby Weight recipes as inspiration, and has been sharing them with a group of friends who are all following the Lose Baby Weight programme together. They said that sharing their images in their Instagram and Facebook group has been a fantastic way to motivate each other and make fast progress towards their weight loss goals, as well as gathering an even bigger collection of healthy recipes to use.
Shona has been following the Lose Baby Weight plan for three weeks, and has lost over 3.5kg so far! Her goal is to lose a further 8kg, and she plans to keep using our healthy recipes as inspiration on her weight loss journey. We look forward to hearing how the rest of your challenge goes, watching your progress, and supporting you along the way!
So congratulations Shona Farenhorst (@2013stf83), you are today’s winner of the Lose Baby Weight daily Instagram competition – the Lose Baby Weight prize pack consisting of 1 x 28 day diet & exercise plan, 1 x healthy mummy smoothie and 1 x Tracy Anderson Mat Work out – all worth $100 is winging its way to you!
And don’t forget you can enter to WIN THIS PRIZE PACK A DAY EVERY DAY in JUNE – it’s SO EASY TO ENTER, just follow us on Instagram – @losebabyweight and upload your daily healthy recipe photo to #losebabyweightrecipes T&C’s are here.
PLUS don’t forget we have our Winter Weight Loss Challenge on it June too – we have 15% off products and plans, $3,000 in Myer vouchers up for grabs and all the help and support to help you lose weight this winter! Find out more here.