Hey Mummies!
How quick has this year gone?
I was only looking back at some photos the other day that were taken 12 months ago  (10kgs ago too!) and how much my body shape, fitness and mindset has changed in those 12 months and it has been for the better! And it has all been achieved by following the Lose Baby Weight plans and challenges.
I also look back to realise how little time I actually have now. Every day is a massive juggle between school drop offs, work, meal preps, naps, toilet training, Body Step Practice, Spending time with the kids, housework….the list goes on as you can imagine. But A LOT of time management goes ALONG way!

I am currently teaching  2 Body Step classes a week which is a massive plus in my workout area but other than that I really do struggle to fit in my exercises, especially now December has decided to roll around it’s like everything has changed gears! After my youngest goes down for his nap I am very limited with my time but try and fit in some strength and weights in, I love using the Healthy Mummy DVD and my hand weights for a quick toning session! My housework is A LOT of my daily workout so keep an eye out for some of my tips and tricks during the December Housework Challenge!
I have been using my weekly meal plan printouts from the 28 day weight loss challenges to continue planning my meals and snacks well in advance; it has been helping with my shopping lists, grocery budget and staying on track especially on those busy days.  About 90% of the dinners I cook are from the Lose Baby Weight website or the challenge hub; the kids absolutely love them too and any of the ones I think they may not like I am making them for lunch. I have even tried some new things I had never tried before and am so keen to make then again- Mexican baked potato, Vegetarian Nachos & Omelette with a Chinese twist.
I am so super excited for the next challenge starting in January, don’t forget that sign ups are NOW OPEN for the January 2015 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge. There are tons of new exciting and super tasty recipes as well as at home workouts.  It’s the perfect way to kick start that health and fitness New Year’s resolution!
On another NEW note…I am so thrilled that the Healthy Mummy Smoothies are now 96% Sugar free & Fructose Free! They taste absolutely amazing and the less refined sugars we bombard our bodies with the better! If you haven’t already got your hands on a new tub, add it to your Christmas Wish list 😛

Current Stats

  • Weight- 72.9kgs (ultimate goal 70kgs)
  • Bust- 96cms
  • Waist- 84cms
  • Tummy- 94cms
  • Hips- 101cms

Cat Christ xx
Reduce sugar

Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here

And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here