I had my third child in Nov 2012.
I had gained about 17kgs during the pregnancy and after the birth of my daughter I lost 7 kgs in the first few days.
Then, unlike my other pregnancies, the weight loss stopped.
Even though I was breastfeeding I couldn’t seem to get below 70kgs.
I was always fairly active during pregnancy and the births of my first two kids and the weight just kind of fell off by itself. But with number 3 I just didn’t have the same opportunities to squeeze exercise in.
Enter Lose Baby Weight and I have now lost 9kg!


I took little steps initially. I started off by liking the Facebook page and started taking on board the tips that were sent out daily, which I found soooo relevant.
I started drinking more water and being conscious of what I was putting in my mouth.
I increased my exercise by walking with my 3 kids and doing TV workouts when I could.
I dabbled in the recipes on the website and then after about a month I ordered the Healthy Mummy Smoothies. I was committed!
I have a healthy mummy smoothie for lunch and have not noticed any drop in milk supply at all.
I’m now 61kgs (2 kgs below my pre pregnancy weight!) and still have a bit of mummy tummy to lose so am not stopping yet!
As my baby’s gotten older it’s been easier to fit exercise in, and it’s part of my daily life now.
My older 2 kids and partner are adjusting to my new way of cooking and eating lots more vegetables at dinner, as well as quinoa and kidney beans and other stuff we’d never tried before.
Without weighing myself I know I’ve lost weight as I’ve moved my bra strap in a notch, my watch is loose on my wrist, and my thighs don’t eat my shorts when I’m running like they used too!
Thanks so much to the Lose Baby Weight team for your awesome service. I just love how relevant everything you write about is to my life!
And I love reading the stories of other mums that are in my situation. Keep up the good work.
– Dawn Adams
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here  
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