Daniela wanted to be healthier and happier by finding the best way to lose weight and follow a healthy eating diet plan as part of her lifestyle.
She incorporated the Lose Baby Weight plans easily into her life and has lost 17kgs.
My name is Daniela and I’m a mummy of two children (5 1/2 mths & 3yrs old).
Once a petite 54kgs, I hit 87kgs when pregnant with my second child.
I started the Lose Baby Weight journey two weeks after my baby was born and I was at 75kgs and it has truly changed my life.
With a Healthy Mummy Smoothie every morning, meals and snacks from the cookbooks or website and regular exercise, I have lost 17kgs in 5mths, currently weighing 58kgs.
I have never been truly happy with my body or appearance but the support from the Lose Baby Weight team, fellow mummies and the amazing products and advice, have helped me beyond words.
Not only am I healthier, happier and have gained confidence, my family love my healthy cooking and are benefitting from the new me also.
My Lose Baby Weight journey is now my lifestyle and my next goal is to enter a fitness model competition along side my body building hubby in May 2015. Wish me luck 😉
Daniela Taplin
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