“I used to be “normal’ that was BC (before children) however whilst pregnant with my first DD I became very ill with a nasty gastro bug and was admitted to hospital to recover.
I had always suspected I may have been a little dairy intolerant but did not ever think anything of it, I figured if I avoided consuming it in large quantities I’d be ok. Well didn’t things change after that gastro bug!!
After being discharged from hospital I started to notice that the small amounts of dairy that I had been consuming were reacting with me (i.e. dashing off to the loo almost immediately, bad cramps in my tummy, bloating, exhausted and lethargic etc).
So I approached my OBGYN who advised me to avoid dairy for the remainder of my pregnancy. DD1 arrived safe and sound in 2009 and I thought let’s give this dairy stuff ago again well wasn’t I surprised when I couldn’t tolerate any of it, even the smell of normal milk made me want to gag.
I sought advice from my GP who sent me for some tests and when they came back inconclusive I was referred to specialists for all sorts of other tests. When those tests either came back negative or inconclusive again I was left feeling extremely frustrated as I had no idea why I was feeling so sick all the time even when I wasn’t eating dairy!
Finally after months of being poked and prodded and no closer to a conclusion or diagnosis I was ready to give up when I was recommended to visit a naturopath and iridologist. I was very sceptical at first but after my initial consultations I finally felt I had the answers I needed.
Both of these professionals confirmed that I could no longer tolerate dairy but they also recommended that I try a gluten free diet as well. Whilst I have not been confirmed as Coeliac just gluten and dairy intolerant, with changes to my diet both professionals said I’d begin to feel better.
At first I thought this would be a really hard road and almost impossible to do but I have now been successfully gluten and dairy free for over 3 years and I have not looked back. I discovered a new me by eliminating all these foods that were making me feel sluggish, tired, bloated and just down right YUK!
Most people would be surprised at the foods you find milk/milk products or even gluten hidden in, so reading the fine print is a huge must on any product that is not specifically labelled gluten or dairy free. I will admit eating for intolerances can be expensive but if you put the effort in you can enjoy yummy healthy meals with a few small alterations that don’t cost you a fortune!
Whilst pregnant with DD2 I saw Lose Baby Weight on Facebook and I was intrigued whether this could be something I would be able to do considering my intolerances. So after reading through the website and emailing with Lose Baby Weight I discovered that the Healthy Mummy smoothie mixes were not only safe for breastfeeding but that they were also gluten free and dairy free there was no holding me back.
I have a healthy mummy smoothie most days for brekkie followed by a healthy lunch or a smoothie and then healthy dinner (I love trying out the recipes on Lose Baby Weight website) and of course the recommended snacks in between. I’m only up to week 3 but already I am feeling better, noticing the scales go down and the smoothie options are endless not to mention TASTY!!
Every day I look forward to visiting the Lose Baby Weight website and seeing what’s new and trying all the recipes posted by my fellow LBW yummy mummies!
I’m really looking forward to the journey ahead, losing my baby weight and getting my body back to what it was BC. Thanks Lose Baby Weight for not only creating a product that is friendly for everyone including those with intolerances but a program that works! Courtney Gonano”
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine that are safe in breastfeeding
And don’t forget to check out our current promotions and discounts page to see what specials we have on this week on our Healthy Mummy product range